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Stories for April 2018

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 20:28 UTC

    Sajid Javid, second generation migrant appointed Home Secretary

    The new Home Secretary started with a pledge to the Windrush generation: “This never should have been the case and I will do whatever it takes to put it right.”

    Sajid Javid has promised to “do whatever it takes” to put right problems faced by the Windrush generation after he succeeded Amber Rudd as United Kingdom's home secretary. Mr Javid said as a second generation migrant he was “angry” at the treatment of those caught up in the saga. He also disowned the “hostile environment” tag attached to the government's migration policy.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 20:24 UTC

    Lords vote amendment giving MPs power on a Brexit deal

    The amendment would allow Parliament to determine the government's course of action if MPs rejected the deal or if the UK and EU were not able to reach one

    Lords have voted to give Parliament a potentially decisive say over the outcome of Brexit talks. An amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill giving MPs the power to stop the UK from leaving without a deal or to make Theresa May return to negotiations was approved by 335 votes to 244. Its supporters said Parliament, not ministers, must “determine the future of the country”.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 09:04 UTC

    Last round of EU/Mercosur “useful”, but key issues remain to be resolved

    Talks ended earlier than expected, with Argentina and Uruguay leaving the table due to what they saw as a lack of decisiveness from Brazil and the EU.

    The European Union and Mercosur have made some progress on how to open their markets to cars, but ended free trade talks in Brussels on Friday with finger-pointing about who was holding up a deal. The EU and the Mercosur bloc of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay began on-off negotiations towards a trade alliance in 1999, with a fresh impetus since 2016.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 09:00 UTC

    Massive peaceful turnout in Nicaragua, with a month mediation of the Church

    The rally took place just hours after university students at the forefront of anti-government unrest issued conditions for talks with President Daniel Ortega.

    Thousands of Nicaraguans marched peacefully through the capital Managua on Saturday in a mass demonstration to demand justice following the violent suppression of a wave of protests that left at least 43 people dead. During the rally, which was called by the Catholic church, Managua's bishop issued a deadline of one month to see if there was a serious intention to achieve change through a national dialogue aimed at resolving issues that triggered the country's worst unrest in 11 years.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 08:53 UTC

    Two supporters of Lula da Silva injured with gunshots in Curitiba

    The vigil outside the federal police building began on April 7, when Lula, who is 72, entered the building to begin a 12-year sentence for corruption.

    A man was seriously wounded early on Saturday when a gunman opened fire on a vigil in the southern Brazilian city of Curitiba, where former president Lula da Silva is serving time for corruption, his party said.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 08:36 UTC

    “It’s Time to Change the Rules”, ITUC May Day Statement 2018

    The ITUC represents 207 million members of 331 affiliates in 163 countries and territories.

    One hundred and fifty years ago, workers in Britain came together to create the world’s first national trade union centre, the TUC, in the city of Manchester. They, and working people in many other places at that time, laid the first foundations for the global trade union movement of today, more than 200 million strong. Ever since those early steps, men and women organizing together have built and grown their unions and changed the course of history.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 08:30 UTC

    Major wind and flash rains storm hits Buenos Aires: two dead and 100.000 homes with no power

    Strong wind gusts forced the collapse of a roof at a parking lot crushing some 18 vehicles, and a dining room catering for 140 children was completely flooded

    A man and his teenage son died with electrocution during a storm that struck Buenos Aires City and the metropolitan area on Sunday dawn and morning. Winds blowing at over 130 kilometers and massive rainfall, 120 millimeters, caused the collapse of roofs and publicity billboards, trees and lamp posts were knocked down, plus extensive flooding and power cuts that affected thousands of clients. An estimated 2.500 people had to be evacuated and even more had to abandon their homes.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 08:25 UTC

    Local elections in England; London voters expected to punish Theresa May

    The elections are seen as a bellwether of public sentiment and polls show voters are ready to deliver a critical verdict on May’s leadership and her party’s austerity

    Voters in London are expected to punish Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party at local government elections this week which could embolden critics of her Brexit strategy, but are not expected to trigger her downfall.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 08:18 UTC

    Sunday Times claims massive Russian twitter support of Labour in last general election

    The Sunday Times said an investigation with Swansea University had identified 6,500 Russian accounts tweeting supportive messages for Labour

    Thousands of Russian Twitter accounts were used to rally support for Labour in the closing stages of last year’s general election, it has been claimed. The Sunday Times said an investigation it conducted in conjunction with Swansea University had identified 6,500 Russian accounts tweeting supportive messages for Labour and denigrating the Conservatives.

  • Monday, April 30th 2018 - 08:11 UTC

    UK crackdown on money laundering: SLPs channeled US$ 80bn out of Russia

    DBEIS said SLPs have been linked to criminal networks in Eastern Europe and allegedly used in international arms trafficking deals.

    The UK Government is to launch a new crackdown on money laundering amid warnings that a century old business scheme designed to help Scottish farmers is being exploited by foreign criminals. Scottish limited partnerships (SLPs) were first created in 1907 for farm holdings, but ministers say their legal structure makes them attractive money laundering vehicles for international crime groups.
