Argentine president Alberto Fernández together with Buenos Aires province governor Axel Kicillof and the head of the Buenos Aires City government, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, agreed on Thursday to further implement mobility restrictions, including “a strong decline in vehicle circulation” in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA).
Argentina's Buenos Aires province narrowly averted falling into default on Tuesday, saying it would make a US$ 277 million payment on a 2021 bond after creditors would not grant a last-minute approval to delay it.
Argentine sovereign and provincial bonds dipped on Wednesday as the provincial government in Buenos Aires was forced to extend a deadline for creditors to agree or reject a plan to delay a US$ 250 million bond repayment originally due on Jan. 26.
Argentine president Alberto Fernández will visit Jerusalem this week to participate in the International Leaders Forum in Commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Fight against Anti-Semitism, which will constitute his first official trip overseas after taking office on December 10.
Public opinion polls in Argentina show a very close, polarized race between President Mauricio Macri and opposition candidate Alberto Fernandez before next Sunday's PASO primaries which are Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory, and most important a clear anticipation of what could happen in October's presidential election.
A judge in Argentina has ruled that the former president, Cristina Fernandez should stand trial on charges of financial mismanagement. Fernandez is accused of fraudulently administering state funds in 2015. The former economy minister, Axel Kiciloff, and the former head of the central bank have also been charged.
Former Argentine president Cristina Fernandez was prosecuted on Friday for fraudulent administration in detriment of the Argentine state in the so called “dollar futures' ”case, including the seizure of 15 million Pesos in assets equivalent to a million dollars.
Former Argentine President Cristina Fernandez was charged on Friday with defrauding the state as part of her government's handling of the dollar futures market. Federal judge Claudio Bonadio said that a scheme to keep the Argentine peso inflated by selling dollars below market value would not have been possible without Fernandez's approval.
Hundreds of supporters are expected to cheer former Argentine President Cristina Fernandez during a court appearance on Wednesday after returning to Buenos Aires for the first time since November's election.Fernandez who governed Argentina for eight years, has been called to testify about alleged irregularities in dollar futures trading that led to losses of almost US$4 billion for the central bank. Her allies say no crime was involved and that she's being politically persecuted.
After rough discussions, Argentina's Lower House committees on Tuesday managed to clear the holdouts bill for debate with changes proposed by the allied Renewal Front and criticism from Victory Front lawmakers.The bill will reach the floor next week. If it passes, it will then be up for debate in the Senate, where the situation is similar, with the ruling Let’s Change needing help from opposition lawmakers to ensure the bill passes.