The US government approved the designation of Cecilia Nahón as the next Argentine Ambassador to the US, leading to her official appointment in the post, according to a release from the Foreign Ministry in Buenos Aires.
The Argentine Foreign Ministry announced on Monday that President Cristina Fernández has decided to appoint Cecilia Nahón as Argentine ambassador to the United States, replacing Jorge Arguello in Washington DC.
Argentina has “stronger financial support than other countries” and will adopt tough policies to guard the nine years of economic achievements, said Economy Deputy Finance Minister Axel Kicillof addressing the Lower House Budget and Finance Committee to discuss the main guidelines for next year’s budget.
Rating agency Moody's changed to negative the rating outlook on 30 rated Argentine financial institutions on Thursday. Moody's cut the outlook to negative from stable, as a reflection of the outlook change on the country announced last week.Moody's rates Argentina at B3, six levels into junk territory.
Argentina tightened its grip on the country's energy sector on Friday by ordering a tax hike on bio-diesel exports, a move it said was needed to make domestic fuel prices more affordable, but denied market rumours that it will increase a soybean export tax.
Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez “wonder boy” seems to be missing on his homework. According to the Argentine media Economy Deputy Minister Axel Kicillof not only has his savings in US dollars but owns real estate in Uruguay, which Argentina considers an overseas fiscal paradise.
Planning Minister Julio De Vido denied that the Government plans the “intervention” of the energy sector and clarified that “we demand investment and production plans. This is not an intervention, simple more planning.”
Argentine union leaders said that the conflict inside the CGT umbrella organization is “purely political” and claimed that President Cristina Fernandez is after a “divided and passive” organized labour movement.
Following the official new curbs on US dollar purchasing for savers, the head of the Argentine Central Bank Mercedes Marcó del Pont came on stage to defend the measure and anticipate that operations in the real estate market will have to be done in Argentine Pesos.
In an attempt to recover the political initiative and sliding opinion polls Argentine President Cristina Fernández announced the launching of an ambitious housing program aimed at building 400.000 homes in the next four years.