The World Cup trophy that will be at stake later this year in Qatar landed Friday at Carrasco airport, where it was welcomed by Brazil's 2002 world champion Lucio, Vice President Beatriz Argimón, and Montevideo Mayor Carolina Cosse, together with Uruguayan Football Association authorities.
Montevideo Councilors from the National (White) and Colorado parties have filed for the impeachment of Broad Front (Frente Amplio - FA) Mayor Carolina Cosse over her allegedly repeated failure to submit a series of reports requested from her office.
Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou has reached an all-time high disapproval rating since taking office in March of 2020, according to a study from the consulting firm Cifra released Wednesday.
Google's subsidiary in Uruguay, Eleanor Applications SRL, Friday purchased 30 hectares in the duty-free Science Park in Canelones, where it will install a data centre, it was announced.
The next mayor of Uruguay's capital is a woman, Carolina Cosse, an electronics engineer, who has worked in the private sector and more recently in government as head of Uruguay's telecom company and minister of industry.
Google plans to build a data centre for storage and server management within Uruguay's Science Park in the Canelones area, it was announced. It will be Google's second such facility in Latin America, the other one being in Chile.
The last Sunday of June Uruguay will be holding presidential primaries when political parties will be choosing their candidates for the coming election scheduled for next October. There are over a dozen hopefuls, but only three, maybe four or five can be considered sufficiently strong as to be taken into account. After all from one of these parties will come the next president of Uruguay, since there is no consecutive reelection in Uruguay.
Uruguay will move towards a permanent offer process for offshore oil blocks as other Latin American countries have done, after an April auction failed to attract bids, Industry, Energy and Mining Minister Carolina Cosse said in an interview.
The Uruguayan government announced on Friday the presence of hydrocarbons in the north west of the country, in the framework of exploratory drilling by US based Schuepbach Energy. The discovery took place in the county of Paysandu, some 400kms north of the capital Montevideo.
A consortium led by France's Total and U.S.-based super major ExxonMobil Corp started this week drilling for oil off Uruguay, Industry, Energy and Mining Minister Carolina Cosse announced. Uruguay is totally reliant on imports for its oil and has for decades tried to discover possible hydrocarbons resources both in the continent and offshore.