Argentina’s flag carrier Aerolíneas Argentinas flights were still backed up Wednesday morning, due the weekend’s union conflicts, in addition to the volcanic ash cloud spewed by Chile’s Pueyhue volcano last week.
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, CFK, blasted on Tuesday union protesters who set a roadblock in the Ricchieri highway, one of the main routes of access to the Argentine capital Buenos Aires.
The head of the Argentina’s powerful CGT labour confederation renewed his claims for the approval of the profit sharing bill to allow workers to be part of the businesses’ profits, during a rally to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of Néstor Kirchner.
Argentina’s Secretary General of the CGT Labour Confederation, Hugo Moyano, denied all rumours indicating his imminent departure from the CGT and attributed them to “a destabilizing media operation”. He added he was preparing to defend “workers’ minimum wage”.
From “chronically depressed puppet to a head-slicing machine” in just nine months is quite a record said ironically Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner at Government House in a clear reply to growing party discontent with the electoral lists for next October presidential and legislative elections.
Argentina’s organized labour, picket organizations and social groups that have played a crucial role in support of the two Kirchner presidencies (2003/2011) are discontent, and growingly vocal, about their disappointment with President Cristina Fernandez lists of candidates to legislative and provincial posts in the coming October general election.
Argentina’s organized labour leader Hugo Moyano admitted Wednesday that “inflation in Argentina is a problem”. He also said that, despite the several criminal cases open against him, he is not afraid of going to jail.
Argentina’s organized labour leader Hugo Moyano described his relation with the administration of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as “excellent” and blamed the press for all the stories of alleged clashes over political differences with the government.
Argentina’s organized labour said “there are no differences in the relationship with the government” despite President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, CFK criticisms and further stated that they will support the president’s re-election bid “without being obsequious”.
Argentine Minister of Interior ratified late Tuesday that President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner threat that she would not bid for re-election next October if organized labour continues to pressure on her government. However CFK is not annoyed with Hugo Moyano chief of the powerful Labour Confederation, CGT.