Argentine president Mauricio Macri is off to Hangzhou, China for this first G20 summit where he is expected to hold bilateral talks with the host Xi Jinping, Russia's Vladimir Putin, Germany's Merkel and probably UK prime minister Theresa May.
Chinese exports have seen a further decline in July, adding to concerns over the global economic outlook. Exports fell by 4.4% compared to a year earlier, which was a slight improvement over June's 4.8% drop but still worse than analysts had been expecting. And imports were also weaker than estimated, down by 12.5%.
China’s role in Argentina’s foreign relations will be more balanced than during the Kirchner administrations, with a larger role played instead by the United States and European countries, the country’s ambassador to Beijing Diego Guelar said, claiming Chinese investment will have to be more competitive.
The Argentine news agency Pescare reports that the repeated illegal incursion of Asian vessels in Argentina's Exclusive Economic Zone prompted the issue to be addressed during the recent meeting of the bilateral Argentina/China Subcommittee on Fisheries.
Argentina's foreign minister Susana Malcorra held another round of talks with high level Chinese officers in Beijing, as part of her official visit to China to promote trade, investment and the special strategic relation between the two countries. But also cut short her visit to other countries to be back in Buenos Aires next Monday in time to meet with her new Brazilian peer, Jose Serra to address the bilateral agenda and Mercosur among other issues.
Argentina on Thursday sought to reassure China that bilateral cooperation remained a priority for its new government amid growing concerns over political changes in the South American country. After a meeting with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, Argentine Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra said investment projects with China would go ahead.
Argentine oil producers are shipping record volumes of crude this month, spurred by a new government subsidy that has also prompted state-owned oil company YPF to return to the export market for the first time in years.
In March next year, China's space and satellite tracking station in Quintuco, Argentine Patagonia will become operational, according to members from China's Space Agency, CLTC, who advanced that in June scientists will be mounting the station's antenna to explore outer space.
China's economy grew 6.7% in the first quarter of the year compared to the same time last year, announced the government. It is the slowest quarterly growth in the Chinese economy in seven years, but in line with expectations and China's own growth targets.
China has agreed to review contracts signed with Argentina, which need modifications, for the sake of transparency, according to Buenos Aires sources, but the overall strategic relation between the two countries and a raft of accords in different fields stands and is expected to continue to grow.