About 80,000 hectares of Argentine Patagonia came under fire during the weekend and the smoke has even reached the city of La Plata, a little over 1,000 kilometers northeast of the epicenter in the Puerto Madryn region, in the province of Chubut.
The Governor of the Argentine Province of Chubut Mariano Arcioni Monday announced he would repeal the mining zoning law passed last week after riots throughout the district's capital turned out to be too clear a sign of disapproval among the population.
Demonstrators in the Argentine province of Chubut set the Government House and other public buildings in the capital city of Rawson on fire to express their opposition to a mega-mining bill passed by the local legislature.
A landowner in the town of Punta Tombo in the Argentine Province of Chubut is to be prosecuted under the Law of Cruelk Treatment Against Animals after crushing several penguin nests and electrocuting over a hundred of the birds living at the local natural wildlife reserve some 110 kilometres south from Rawson, the provincial capital.
The Argentine Patagonia province of Chubut has imposed strict limits to the landings of shrimp caught in its waters, with the purpose of protecting the resource, limiting discards and damaged crustaceans which result in lower prices because of poor quality.
Argentina lawmaker from the province of Chubut, Gustavo Menna has called on the central government to eliminate export duties on fishery products, fruits, ovine meat and wool. The initiative was also drafted by lawmakers Lorena Matzen and Roxana Reyes from the provinces of Rio Negro and Santa Cruz.
The Argentine congress gave half sanction to a bill that modifies several articles of the Federal Fisheries Law making it mandatory for the incorporation of 30% of women and 1% of sexual diversity members to the fishing fleet crews.
The Argentine Chamber of Mining Entrepreneurs (CAEM) reported that the country’s mining output fell by 70% y-o-y in 2020 due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. CAEM also said that small and medium-sized mining operations, which tend to be family-owned, saw a 40-50% fall in production.
The government of Argentina's Chubut province will seek to delay payments on debt after Buenos Aires province, Argentina's largest, also asked its creditors for extensions as the country grapples with a debt crisis, local media reported on Friday.
The output of oil and gas in the Argentine province of Mendoza hit its lowest mark in ten years, contrary to what goes on in the rest of the country, local authorities have announced. The lack of calls for bids during previous administrations has been singled out as the cause of the poor results.