“You only have to fear God, and me a little bit, at least while you are staff that depends from me”, said Argentine President Cristina Fernández publicly voicing her discontent towards some of her cabinet members after a court order interrupted a series of public works in the Buenos Aires province.
Argentina's trade surplus rose to 1.64 billion dollars in August, more than double the surplus in the same month a year ago achieving the twelve months target four months ahead, President Cristina Fernandez announced on Thursday.
Argentina’s Security Ministry issued a tough press release in response to the alleged police operative deployed by the Santa Cruz government in order to monitor the activities of President Cristina Fernández last weekend.
“Who else but us can decide on our future” said Falkland Islands representatives currently visiting several Latin American countries, who anticipated that next year’s referendum on the Islands political status will send the world a clear forceful message on “our right to self determination”.
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has taken a taste for video conferences and likes, with electronic distance, to mingle with ordinary people while opening major work. However things can also go wrong or don’t work out as planned.
Two out of three Argentines reject the proposal of reforming the constitution opening the way for a third consecutive mandate for President Cristina Kirchner, according to pollster Poliarquía Consultores and published on Sunday in Buenos Aires daily La Nacion.
“We’re a free country with dignity and national pride; we are nobody’s employee or subordinate” challenged Argentine president Cristina Fernandez after it was revealed that the US, Spain and Germany at the Inter American Development bank (IDB) had voted against granting the country a loan.
Argentina’s leader unveiled an ambitious plan Wednesday to support the country’s television and film creators with a new industrial park along the Buenos Aires waterfront that she hopes will be modelled on Hollywood’s studios.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez is totally in agreement with a constitutional review opening the way for a third consecutive re-election, claimed the main opposition party president who anticipated political forces will rally to try and stop the initiative.
Argentine President Cristina Fernández urged football clubs affiliated to the AFA to “turn in to the authorities” their lists detailing the names of the hooligans attending matches on a regular basis in order to increase security outside the stadiums.