Former Cuban Foreign Minister and Chairman of the Cuban National Assembly, Ricardo Alarcón died Saturday night in Havana, President Miguel Díaz-Canel announced Sunday. Alarcón was 84. He was a widower and is survived by a daughter and a grandson.
Cuban tourism authorities have confirmed 128,159 foreign travelers had visited the country for leisure purposes during March of 2022, which represented 58.7% of the Government's projections.
Aerolineas Argentinas has announced the resumption of flights to Cuba in July. The route had been lifted in 2016 due to political differences between Havana's regime and the administration of then-President Mauricio Macri.
Cuba's Judiciary handed down prison sentences ranging from 4 to 30 years to the July 11 demonstrators who filled the streets demanding an improvement to their living conditions, it was reported Thursday.
Retired Bolivian Army non-commissioned officer Mario Terán Salazar dies Thursday, aged 80. Terán rose to worldwide notoriety for being the man who killed Argentine doctor turned Cuban guerrilla leader Ernesto Che Guevara in 1967.
Cuba's Foreign Trade Minister Rodrigo Malmierca has said in an interview with local current news magazine Bohemia last week that he saw a contradiction in workers of global companies earning more than those who did the same job for the local State.
Cuba's regime Friday ratified charges were being filed against participants in the July 11 and 12 nationwide demonstrations. Prosecutors also made it clear that in the country's legal system protests and sedition were considered to be the same offense.
The number of Cubans entering Uruguay through the land crossings from Brazil is noticeably on the rise, it was reported Tuesday. According to press reports, so far this year 135 people of that nationality have crossed through the Rivera pass from Santana do Livramento at an average of six individuals daily. Uruguayan Migrations authorities have reported that of the 135 who came in only two went out at a later date. Many of them were carrying the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which added to the migrant services overwhelming.
Following the July 2021 uprisings and how information left the island of Cuba and reached the world, the Communist regime has been revoking visas from foreign journalists, it was reported.
By Gwynne Dyer (*) – After a week of intense discussions about “security” between Russia and the NATO countries, this is the week when the Western allies will send their written replies to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Various pundits, some of whom have actually been to Russia, warn us that there will be “War in Europe” if Putin's demands are not met.