Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa has submitted before the Constitutional Court (CC) a projected amendment whereby foreign military bases might be admitted in the South American country. The present request seeks that this magistracy carries out the prior control at a first moment of the project of partial reform to the Constitution that is presented, and that, through an opinion, pronounces itself regarding the way by which it should be processed, read the document signed by the head of state.
Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa Friday extended for another 30 days the state of emergency in six provinces and one canton given the serious internal commotion due to criminal violence. Noboa's decree provided for the extension of the measure in force since July 2 in Los Rios, Guayas, Santa Elena, Manabi, and El Oro, as well as in the Amazonian province of Orellana and the canton (municipality) Camilo Ponce Enríquez, in the province of Azuay.
Ecuadorean Vice President Verónica Abad filed a political gender violence complaint against President Daniel Noboa before Quito's Electoral Court (TCE). Although the case was submitted on Aug. 8, it was not reported until Tuesday. A TCE justice will now determine whether or not to admit the complaint.
Ecuador's conservative government of President Danie Noboa Monday filed a case against Mexico before the International Cout of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague (The Netherlands) for granting asylum to a fugitive at the Embassy in Quito. Former Ecuadorean Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been sentenced to 8 years in jail for corruption, had sheltered at the mission until local authorities stormed it in disregard of all international conventions on diplomatic immunity and arrested him.
Former Ecuadorean head of state Rafael Correa said from exile to avoid a prison sentence for corruption that his country's referendum last Sunday in which the current President Daniel Noboa received broad support for nine questions regarding security issues and strengthening the fight against organized crime was “a triumph” for the people ahead of the 2025 elections and a “resounding defeat” for the government.
Ecuador's President Daniel Noboa Friday issued a decree establishing yet another state of emergency due to a serious internal commotion and public calamity in the violence-torn South American country which is going through an energy crisis in addition to drug-trafficking gang crimes. Power cuts last up to about eight hours a day amid tight rationing of electricity.
Leaders of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) Tuesday agreed to condemn Ecuador's April 5 storming of the Mexican Embassy in Quito to abduct former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had sought asylum there after being convicted on corruption charges.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres and the governments of many countries in the Americas condemned Ecuador's decision to break into Mexico's Embassy in Quito on Friday to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had sought asylum in the diplomatic mission as he faced corruption charges.
After successfully pulling out of Ecuador all 18 members of its diplomatic mission following the breakup after Quito's unlawful actions at the Mexican Embassy in Quito, the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced Sunday that a case would be filed before the International Court of Justice in The Hague (The Netherlands) first thing Monday.
Ecuador's so-called internal armed conflict added a victim to its list of fatalities late Wednesday when 29-year-old Councilwoman Diana Carnero from the coastal municipality of Naranjal was shot dead in what is believed to be a murder-for-hire case.