A barrage of criticism this week from the sons of Brazil’s right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro aimed at the vice president has laid bare stark divisions in his cabinet, raising serious concerns from senior members of his four-month-old government.
Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao said on Thursday that the president will have to rein in his sons after one of them called a minister a liar on social media, exacerbating tensions in a new government dealing with its first big cabinet scandal.
An Arab ministerial delegation plans to travel to Brazil in January to convince the incoming Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, not to relocate his country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an official Palestinian source said on Thursday. Bolsonaro announced in November that he intends to relocate the Brazilian Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
Latin American leaders congratulated Brazilian president elect Jair Messias Bolsonaro for his Sunday victory. Be it via twitter, official releases or direct phone calls, the next president of Brazil was well wished even from neighboring Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro.
Brazil's far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro turned his party from a footnote in a crowded Congress into a national powerhouse on Sunday, underscoring a seismic shift in Latin America's biggest nation as voters raged against the political establishment.
Another major clash between Brazil's Supreme Court and Congress in the making. Justice Luiz Fux ruled to return the anti-corruption bill back to its initial stages in the Lower House, despite the fact the fill had already reached Senate and was preparing to put the bill to a vote.