The anti-corruption prosecutor of the Argentine province of Entre Ríos who got former Governor Sergio Uribarri sentenced to 8 years in jail has been impeached out of office for failing to excuse herself from the case despite having very close ties with one of the defendants.
The Paraná River Tuesday recorded once again a minus 46 centimeters downspout in front of the capital of the Argentine Province of Entre Ríos, thus repeating Aug. 18's all-time low, Argentine Coast Guard (Prefectura Naval) confirmed, as the entire country goes through an unprecedented heatwave.
The Paraná River had descended yet another three centimeters over the last 24 hours in front of the former capital of Argentina named after it (1853-1860) for a total of 17 centimeters below sea level.
Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana called on Gualeguaychú activists that keep international San Martín bridge blocked for more than three years to “reconsider their ways of action, mostly after the International Court of Justice ruling”.