Chilean President Sebastian Piñera has responded to Bolivian President Evo Morales who said Saturday that “Atacama, used to be Bolivian and we hope to recover it soon, although a presidential spokesmen later said “it was a joke.”
The Bolivian government has increased its military budget by more than 120% during the last decade, increasing 64% during President Evo Morales five years in office, according to a report compiled by Bolivian journalist, Ruy D’Alencar Delgado, published in El Deber newspaper.
Coca Brynco was launched in Bolivia earlier this week. It is the first mass produced soft drink of its kind and the project is supported by the government of President Evo Morales.
President Evo Morales’ government has offered to reimburse 100% of the cost of successful exploratory drilling in Bolivia by private oil and natural gas companies, state-owned energy company YPFB announced this week.
Bolivia formally recognized Palestine as an independent and sovereign state within the 1967 borders, Bolivian President Evo Morales announced Wednesday. Reports last week indicated that such a decision was imminent
President Evo Morales announced on Friday that Bolivia would recognize Palestine as an independent sovereign state. The Bolivian leader made the statement during the Mercosur summit in Brazil.
Bolivian President Evo Morales delivered a blunt reply on Monday to visiting US Secretary of Defence Robert Gates's warning about dealings with Iran, saying Bolivia will ally with whomever it wants.
Bolivian President Evo Morales announced Wednesday the expropriation and transfer to a provincial government of the 33% stake in the regional cement factory Fancesa.
Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo is expected Saturday morning back in the capital Asunción from Sao Paulo where he underwent a first treatment of chemotherapy after earlier in the week he was diagnosed with a lymphoma which has extended to the chest and a vertebrae.
The Aymara priest who blessed Bolivian President Evo Morales at an inauguration ceremony four years ago has been arrested in possession of 240 kilos of cocaine, police said.