As the Commonwealth of Nations marks Commonwealth Day, the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the shared values and principles upheld by the Commonwealth community.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly proudly joins the global community in celebrating the achievements and contributions of women around the world. This annual observance serves as a reminder of the ongoing journey towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in all aspects of society, both locally and internationally.
The Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly in a release said it was pleased to extend a warm welcome to the Rt Hon Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton, Secretary of State for Foreign Commonwealth and Development Affairs, on the official visit to the Islands.
With the purpose of building on the conversations and strengthening the relationship between the Falkland Islands and Wales, a multi-party delegation of four members from the Sennedd Cymru (Welsh Parliament) visited the Islands for seven days, James Evans MS, Laura Anne Jones MS, Alun Davies MS, and Jack Sargent MS, accompanied by the Falklands Government Representative in London, Richard Hyslop.
Foreign Office minister for the Americas, Caribbean, and Overseas Territories David Rutley has been to the Falkland Islands again this week, the second visit in a month, and in the meantime this did not prevent him from on December 10, to represent the British government in Buenos Aires for the taking office ceremony of Argentine extreme liberal president, Javier Milei.
Members of the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly on behalf of the People of the Falkland Islands extend birthday greetings to His Majesty King Charles The Third on his 75th birthday, on 14th November.
Gilbert House has reported that members of the Legislative Assembly will be holding a public meeting on Monday 6th November, 16.30 Goose Green Social Club, this will be an open session.
The Falkland Islands by-election for the Camp constituency, held on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 September resulted in the election of Jack Ford to office. The newly elected Member of the Legislative Assembly, Falklands autonomous internal government, told Penguin News that “personal contact and simple things like sitting in people’s kitchens and just putting the time in to listen to what they’ve got to say” made a difference.
In the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly this week MLA Leona Roberts responded to a question from MLA Gavin Short on the subject of whether Falklands students were facing financial difficulties while studying overseas and what steps FIG was taking to mitigate this if it was true.
The so-called PICTO 21 group of Argentine visitors to the Falkland Islands looking for an accounting approach with which to measure ”the economic impact of the illegal occupation ... by the British government” will have no assistance from the local Legislative Assembly, it was announced.