Uruguayan President Jose Mujica has apologised to his Haitian counterpart Michel Martelly over the alleged rape of an 18-year-old Haitian man by Uruguayan UN peacekeeping troops in the poor Caribbean state.
Evidence strongly suggests UN peacekeepers from Nepal were the source of a cholera epidemic in Haiti that has killed more than 5,500 people, said a new report by the US Centres for Disease Control Prevention.
Pop singer Michel Martelly better known as Sweet Micky, is Haiti's new president-elect. Preliminary results, released by the country's electoral council yesterday, show that Martelly won 68% of the vote in March 20 run-off election to beat former Haitian first lady, Mirlande Manigat.
The Inter-American Development Bank approved 12.136 billion US dollars in new operations in 2010 and made 10.341 billion in loan disbursements from its ordinary capital, according to its latest annual report issued over the weekend.
Switzerland has moved to confiscate frozen assets linked to former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier. The Swiss cabinet asked Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf to begin proceedings to seize around 6.2 million US dollars that has been frozen in Swiss bank accounts since 1986, with a view to returning the funds to the Haitian people.
Over 3,900 Haitians have died of cholera since the outbreak began mid-October, officials in the western hemisphere's poorest nation informed.
Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier has been charged with embezzling public funds Tuesday, but a judge must still decide whether the indictment can proceed.
The Member States of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) wish to express their continued support to the Government and people of Haiti in the extremely difficult circumstances that have prevailed since the devastation caused by the fateful earthquake that struck the country on January 12, 2010.One year later, we join with the people of Haiti and the world over in remembering the victims of that tragedy.
Women and girls living in Haiti’s makeshift camps face an increasing risk of rape and sexual violence, Amnesty International said in a new report released today.
The Organization of American States, OAS, and the countries of the Caribbean Common Market, Caricom, have validated Sunday’s presidential election despite irregularities that generated protests and allegations of fraud.