The United States Department of Defense announced on Sunday the transfer to Uruguay of six detainees from the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba, a long announced event which was postponed several times allegedly because of bureaucratic delays in the US and controversy in Uruguay.
Uruguayan president Jose Mujica said that the future US ambassador in Montevideo could probably be Edward Avalos, currently Under Secretary for trade and regulatory programs from the US Department of Agriculture.
A prisoner in Uruguay tapped into the U.S. ambassador's cell-phone and sent messages to some of her contacts in an attempt to commit a still undisclosed fraud, authorities said Tuesday, although the news was on the media a day before.
President Jose Mujica confirmed that Uruguay has agreed with the United States to accept some prisoners held in the much-criticized detention center at the US military base of Guantanamo Bay, but he also cautioned that everything has a bill.
Uruguay’s president Jose Mujica will be attending the UN 68th General Assembly on the last week of September in New York, where he is scheduled to meet with several of his Latinamerica peers and the Secretary General Ban-Ki-moon.
The first gay couple to register to marry in Uruguay when a new equal marriage law took effect on 5 August, have married as gay rights activists celebrate in the country. Sergio Miranda and Rodrigo Borda married in Montevideo last Thursday accompanied by 30 friends and family, US Ambassador Julissa Reynoso and around a hundred members of the media.
After almost twenty years of negotiations United States confirmed the opening of its market to citrus from Uruguay, which will become effective next 9 August when certain coordination and logistics tasks are coordinated by both countries.
United States ambassador Julissa Reynoso said Uruguayan president Jose Mujica is welcome to the White House whenever he wishes, and revealed that Uruguay is in the short list of countries that soon could be exempted from requiring a visa to travel to the US.