Students of national identities will recall that throughout the long years of the Kirchner regimes in Argentina, and despite all historical evidence to the contrary, that country’s foreign ministers, ambassadors and even its presidents were adamant that there was really no such thing as a Falkland Islander.
An opinion editorial of the US newspaper The New York Times titled “Argentina’s turnaround tango” stated that President Barack Obama and the US Congress should look to Argentina “for inspiration” in economic policies issues. Nevertheless, the article also warned about the corruption and “government opacity“of the Latin American country.
The head of Argentina’s Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo organization, Hebe de Bonafini, minimized on Thursday the recent series of judicial raids performed on the organization’s headquarters and assured that “she has nothing to hide.”
A major scandal has unfolded in Argentina involving one of the cherished and exploited banners of the two Kirchner administrations (Nestor and Cristina, 2003/2011): human rights policy and the organization of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo.