Bolivia's Vice Minister of Communication Gabriela Alcón said this week that spreading misinformation about lithium contracts would result in delays to the mineral's industrialization in her country. She also underlined the importance of transparent communication about the documents currently being negotiated, which are beneficial for the state and involve a small portion of the nation's salt flats. Contracts with Russia's Uranium One Group and China's CBC from Hong Kong are expected to yield significant amounts of lithium carbonate, with investments totaling over US$ 2 billion.
Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) Legal Manager Pablo Nina warned Tuesday that the Chinese company Hong Kong CBC has three years to extract a mineral with 99.5% purity and 80% recovery in the raw material processing or face the dismantling of its two battery-grade lithium carbonate production plants in the Uyuni salt flat and leave the country.
With electric battery lithium leading, Argentina mining exports are expected to double to some US$ 10 billion in three years time, according to minister Luis Lucero who anticipated that copper is the other metal that will also have a huge boost given its importance in powering electric vehicles and artificial intelligence.
Chemical giant BASF SE dropped its plans to invest in lithium mining assets in Chile after a recent downward turn in the mineral's price, it was reported. The German company thus canceled all talks with Canada's Wealth Minerals Ltd., which has exploration projects in the South American country, it was explained.
The Court of Justice in Catamarca (Northern Argentina) has issued a divided ruling ordering a suspension of mining activity in the Salar del Hombre Muerto, impacting lithium production projects. The decision stems from an environmental protection action filed by cacique Román Elías Guitian, urging a comprehensive environmental impact study before new permits are granted.
A new agreement between Bolivia's state-owned Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) and the Chinese consortium CATL, BRUNP & CMOC (CBC) was signed Thursday to install a lithium carbonate pilot plant with Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology in the Uyuni salt flat and would have a production of 2,500 tons per year after an investment worth US$ 90 million.
Authorities from Argentina and Chile Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a Binational Lithium and Salt Flats Working Group which represents a significant step towards strategic cooperation in this regard, it was reported in Santiago and Buenos Aires following negotiations dating back to June 2022.
Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero signed an agreement in Seoul with steel company Posco, whereby the South Korean company will invest US$ 1.7 billion for the production of lithium carbonate in the provinces of Salta and Catamarca.
Lithium exports from Argentina are poised to increase in the coming years, specifically from 34,000 tons to 400,000 tons of lithium carbonate, as mentioned by the Mining Secretary, Fernanda Ávila in Buenos Aires.
According to a study by Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) released Monday, the mining industrial production index (IPI minero) reported a 10.7% year-on-year increase from June 2022 while crude oil production rose 8.2% interannually. Overall, industrial production of hydrocarbons and mining had an 11% increase in the first semester of 2023.