MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, July 27th 2024 - 00:14 UTC

Tag: Mapuches

  • Monday, January 29th 2024 - 10:24 UTC

    Mapuche Resistance behind National Park fire, Chubut governor says

    The self-appointed RAM rebels are pursuing a real estate business, Governor Torres insisted

    Over 1000 hectares of land have burned down in the Los Alerces National Park in the Argentine province of Chubut, where Governor Ignacio Torres blamed the Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM) rebel organization for starting the fire, it was reported Sunday. “There are indications that the fire was intentional,” he stressed.

  • Friday, January 5th 2024 - 10:13 UTC

    Jones-Huala extradited yet again to Chile

    Jones Huala might be just months from being released in Chile

    Mapuche rebel Facundo Jones Huala was extradited Thursday for a second time in his life from Argentina to Chile to serve out the remainder of his prison sentence for a 2013 arson attack. Jones Huala was escorted across the Andes by Interpol and law enforcement officers from both countries.

  • Saturday, November 18th 2023 - 09:42 UTC

    Sentenced Mapuche leaders cry 'neo-fascist counter-offensive'

    Ernesto Llaitul was arrested in September 2022, a week after his father

    Four Mapuche rebels from the Arauco Malleco Coordinating Committee (CAM) rebel group in southern Chile said Friday that the prison sentences handed down to them earlier this week were a sign of the neo-fascist counter-offensive against the autonomist movement seeking to regain political-territorial rights.

  • Wednesday, November 15th 2023 - 10:14 UTC

    Argentina's Supreme Court rules to extradite Jones Huala to Chile

    It will be up to the Argentine government to extradite the RAM leader.

    Argentina's Supreme Court (CSJN) Tuesday cleared the way for the extradition of Mapuche guerrilla leader Facundo Jones Huala to Chile to serve the remainder of his sentence.

  • Friday, September 22nd 2023 - 09:30 UTC

    Mapuche rebels arrested in southern Chile

    The RML began its criminal activity in April 2020

    Chilean authorities in the Biobío region announced Thursday the arrest of at least 11 leaders of the Mapuche Lafkenche Resistance (RML), a radical group behind numerous attacks in the south of the country as a result of the territorial dispute between the state, indigenous groups and forestry companies that exploit lands considered ancestral by the indigenous people.

  • Tuesday, August 1st 2023 - 10:21 UTC

    Extradition of Mapuche leader to Chile granted, but appeals will ensue

    Jones-Huala was arrested in the town of El Bolsón earlier this year

    A federal judge in Bariloche Monday ruled in favor of extraditing Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM) leader Facundo Jones-Huala to Chile under the recommendation that the days he spent in detention in Argentina be counted as time served.

  • Thursday, May 11th 2023 - 10:17 UTC

    Chilean Army declares red alert after Mapuche arson attacks

    Monsalve also announced a stronger amry deployment in La Araucania as Mapuche violence mounts

    Chile's Undersecretary of the Interior Manuel Monsalve Wednesday announced that a red alert was being declared in the southern part of the country following arson attacks allegedly perpetrated by Mapuche rebels, it was reported in Santiago.

  • Friday, January 20th 2023 - 10:44 UTC

    Argentine gov't siding with self-proclaimed machi, Villa Mascardi residents say

    The Lafken Winkul Mapu is not a Villa Mascardi ancestral community, the residents argued

    Residents in the Argentine town of Villa Mascardi deemed unacceptable Thursday the proposal extended by Human Rights Secretary Horacio Pietragalla Corti whereby Betiana Colhuan, a self-proclaimed machi (Mapuche leader) who eventually garnered additional support from members of the indigenous community, have access to the land she claims to be sacred to her and her ancestors of the Lafken Winkul Mapu group.

  • Tuesday, January 17th 2023 - 10:54 UTC

    No Mapuche Resistance involvement proven in Chubut fire

    Lago Puelo Prosecutor Carlos Díaz Mayer said his office was not investigating the pamphlet's authenticity, which was in his view a matter for Federal authorities.

    Chubut investigators denied Monday that the Ancestral Mapuche Resistance (RAM) rebel organization had claimed responsibility for the fire in Currumahuida hill in the town of El Hoyo.

  • Friday, November 11th 2022 - 10:55 UTC

    Chilean President likens Mapuches to Nazis

    The burning of the school and the church reminds me of when the Nazis burned synagogues in the 1930s, Boric said

    Chile's President Gabriel Boric Font said during his first visit as head of state to La Araucanía that the Mapuche groups carrying out terrorist attacks in the area were “cowards,” and likened their actions to those of the Nazis in the 1930s.
