One in three people in Britain would cede at least some sovereignty over Gibraltar for a better Brexit deal according to a YouGov poll made public this week. The poll conclusions were released when Nigel Farage, Britain's leading Brexiteer expressed support for proposals to hold a referendum in Gibraltar to ask whether they want to become part of the UK.
Paul Nuttall has been elected leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, replacing Nigel Farage. The 39-year-old Member of the European Parliament, who served as UKIP's deputy leader for six years, won 62.6% of support among party members He promised to put the great back into Britain and force the government to give us a real Brexit.
Britain dismissed U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's unprecedented expression of support for Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage to be made British ambassador to Washington, saying pointedly that there is no vacancy for the job. Trump, who after his election victory met Farage before any EU leaders, said on Twitter that “many people” would like to see the former metals trader turned politician as Britain's ambassador.
President-elect Donald J. Trump has ostensibly thrown his support behind the idea of UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage becoming the British Ambassador to the United States in a tweet issued late on Monday night. Trump issued the statement, unprompted, via his Twitter feed, stating that the idea was popular amongst “many people” in a move that is sure to set the British political establishment into a further tailspin.
When Boris Johnson announced in February that he would back the UK campaign to Leave the European Union, it transformed the debate. Johnson is popular with the public and within his party. By becoming the official head of Vote Leave, he gave the weight of the establishment to a campaign previously spear-headed by fringe political figures such as Nigel Farage and George Galloway.
Campaigners wanting Britain to leave the European Union warned that immigration has “spun out of control”, as the new mayor of London launched his campaign for the country to stay in the bloc. Four weeks before the so-called Brexit referendum on June 23, the Office for National Statistics published data putting net migration - the difference between those arriving and leaving Britain - at 333,000 last year.
Several lawmakers from British Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservatives will join the anti-EU UK Independence Party if he renews a coalition with the pro-EU Liberal Democrats, UKIP’s leader Nigel Farage forecasted.
British Prime Minister David Cameron paid a courtesy call on Queen Elizabeth II, then launched a most non courteous attack on his main political rival as campaigning formally began Monday in the most unpredictable U.K. election in decades.
A lawmaker from Britain’s ruling Conservative party defected to the anti-EU United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), dealing a blow to Prime Minister David Cameron on the eve of his party’s annual conference.
The victory of Britain’s euro-skeptic UK Independent Party in European elections broke the traditional British bipartisanship for the first time in over a century. UKIP party swept to victory riding a tide of Euro-skepticism and anxiety about immigration to beat Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives and the opposition Labor party.