With its vast array of natural attractions and top-class services, Chile is an attractive tourism destination for Latin Americans, as well as global visitors.
The Chilean presidency Secretary General Eva Von Baer reterated this week that the Chilean Executive “fully supports the dialogue between both sides, the state of Israel and Palestine, and we support the continuation of such dialogue, and from that dialogue the creation of an independent Palestine state”.
The Brazilian currency Real weakened after the central bank introduced reserve requirements on short positions in U.S. dollars held by local banks with the purpose of weakening the Real which this week reached a historic high against the greenback.
Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang has said Beijing is willing to buy about Euro 6 billion worth of Spanish public debt, Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on Thursday, citing government sources.
Chile's peso was operating Thursday at 495 to the US dollar after depreciating around 6% in two sessions on a 12 billion US dollars central bank intervention program announced this week.
Uruguay facing a severe drought and insufficient rainfall began this week to receive electricity from the Argentine power grid. Uruguay’s electricity is mainly hydroelectric and in the country’s main dams the water level has been falling dramatically.
The American Government kept a close eye on the dispute between Argentina and Britain over the Falkland Islands in 2010. Hitherto secret US State Department communications published by Wikileaks reveal that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton wrote to the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires in early 2010, requesting analysis of the situation, which it was felt had been exacerbated by the British approval to search for oil in the seas off the islands, and by a revitalised and bitter diplomatic offensive by the government of President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner.
United States Ambassador to Chile Alejandro D. Wolff apologized to Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera for Wikileak revelations that showed U.S. officials questioning the past businessman practices of Piñera during last year’s presidential runoff race between the Conservative coalition candidate and Senator Eduardo Frei, of the center-left Concertacion coalition
Susana Villaran took office this week as the first popularly elected female mayor of Lima, in a ceremony attended by Peruvian President Alan Garcia and former U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar.
Uruguayan exports soared 23.8% in value during 2010 compared to 2009 which represent a new record according to the country’s Union of Exporters. Sales totaled 6.76 billion US dollars while imports to the month of October (the latest Central Bank officially available data) reached 6.7 billion USD, which represent a 18.6% increase in the first ten months of last year.