The family members of the French tourists who were murdered in Salta, north of Argentina were taken to the scene where the bodies were found to walk across the area, accompanied by the judge in charge of the case.
The Bank of England left its main interest rate at a record low 0.50% on Thursday for the 29th month in a row amid weak economic growth in Britain and a debt crisis in the Euro-zone. The quantitative easing QE program was also left stand-by at £200 billion.
European Central Bank (ECB) announced Thursday it will offer a fresh round of loans to banks (*) in light of continuing fears about the Euro-zone debt crisis. ECB president Jean Claude Trichet said that economic uncertainty was “particularly high”'.
Protests carried out by students and teachers were suppressed Thursday by the Chilean police as over a dozen of roadblocks were set across Chile’s capital Santiago defying the government’s prohibition. Police suppressed demonstrators with tear gas and water.
In spite of the latest defeats in the province of Santa Fe and in Buenos Aires City, President Cristina Fernandez, CFK, has sufficient vote intention to ensure her re-election in the first round October 23.
The United States Senate leaders ended an impasse over stalled free-trade agreements, agreeing to vote after the August recess on benefits for workers who lose their jobs because of overseas competition, which opens the way for the approval of pending agreements with Korea, Colombia and Panama.
Following on the steps of her Brazilian peer who this week unveiled an ambitious plan to prop industry, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner met with the country’s leading business and corporate representatives and promised her government would take all the necessary measures to defend the market from the massive influx of outer region imported goods.
The United States gross debt shot up 238 billion dollars to reach 100% of GDP after the government's debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed. On Tuesday, the Treasury had to add more than 200 billion of commitments immediately after President Barack Obama signed into law an increase in the debt ceiling.
Following the political agreement which enabled the US Congress to lift the debt ceiling and avoid default, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wrote a piece for The Washington Post, where he displays what in his opinion are the following steps for the world’s largest economy to restore fiscal responsibility and sustainability.
With 131 plant species unique to the Chilean Juan Fernández archipelago, nature enthusiasts and experts sometimes hail the island chain as the Galapagos of flora.