By John Fowler (*) - I handed the family's passports to a rather stern-looking official behind a desk, while my wife and mother-in-law passed through into the departure lounge with our daughter, who was just a few months short of her first birthday. Along with the passports, I also handed over three white identity cards. These were issued by the country through which we were in transit on our way to holidays in Britain from our home in the Falkland Islands.
Negotiations must start from a position of trust and “it is hard to trust a Government who so easily break their word, and who deny our right to exist as a people”, said Falklands lawmaker Roger Edwards in response to the announcement by Argentine President Cristina Fernandez on direct air-links to the Falklands.
Next March 26 the Falkland Islands will be holding an ‘opening’ ceremony to celebrate the release of another 3.5 square kilometres which have been cleared from mines and other explosives planted by Argentine forces during the 1982 invasion.
Argentina exported 24.479 tons of fish and shellfish valued at 81.4 million dollars in January 2012, according to the latest statistics from the National Health and Agri-food Quality Service, Senasa. This represents a fall of 13.2% in volume and 5.6% in value compared with the same month last year, 28.198 tons and 86.2 million dollars.
Members of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) were warned by EU Commissioner for Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, that she is not willing to hand over any of the objectives in the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which is currently being negotiated.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff slammed rich nations on Thursday for unleashing a “tsunami” of cheap money that was “cannibalizing” poorer countries such as her own, forcing them to act to protect struggling local industries.
The investigation into the causes of the train crash in a main terminal in Buenos Aires which killed 51 people and injured over 700 has surfaced other technical flaws confirming the serious deterioration of the system, according to a report from the Transport Regulation National Commission, CNRT.
FIFA Transfer Matching System GmbH has published on Thursday the first edition of the annual report Global Transfer Market 2011. This report provides a comprehensive insight into football transfers worldwide, on which over 3 billion dollars was spent last year in the professional male football market.
United States remains interested in a possible purchase of light attack aircraft made by Brazil's Embraer despite cancelling a contract this week, a top US official said Thursday.
The Falkland Islands government and tourist industry admit to being confused and thus unable to comment in any great detail on the recent decision, apparently, by the Argentine provincial Government of Tierra del Fuego, turning away from Ushuaia two British flagged cruise ships earlier this week.