Argentina and Brazil commemorated on 18 July the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material, ABACC, which was the result of the nuclear energy exclusive peaceful use accord, signed by then presidents Carlos Menem and Fernando Collor, in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Brazil's suspended president Dilma Rousseff and her predecessor and left-wing ally Lula da Silva will boycott the opening ceremony at the Rio Olympics, officials have said. Their absence at the 5 August ceremony highlights the political crisis in Brazil, with Rousseff facing possible removal from office in an impeachment trial shortly after the Games end.
Brazil's interim President Michel Temer vetoed on Tuesday an article in a new law, which would allow foreign investors to take 100% ownership of Brazilian airlines, according to the official Gazette. The article is part of a law seeking to modify areas of the aviation sector, mainly in order to allow the state-owned airport infrastructure firm, Infraero, to restructure its debts.
Argentina plans to organize tourist air tours to Antarctica beginning 2018, with the government's airline, LADE, according to official sources from the Tourism and Defense ministries.
Falkland Islands Consolidated Fisheries Ltd. new longliner was launched in Spain last 20 July at an event attended by a number of CFL staff, directors, and Galician business people linked to the fishing industry.
Hopes for a revival in Argentina’s wheat production are falling, even as ideas for corn growing continue to mount, in part at the expense of soybeans, for which seed availability has emerged as an issue. Argentina’s wheat production will increase in 2016-17, but not by as much as had been thought, the US Department of Agriculture bureau in Buenos Aires said, cutting to 13.7m tons their harvest forecast.
Hillary Clinton triumphantly captured the Democratic nomination for president of the United States on Tuesday night, the first woman ever to lead a major political party into the general election.
Petrobras announced it plans to sell voting control of Petrobras Distribuidora SA after a bidding round for a minority stake in the fuels retailer failed to attract bids that met the state-controlled oil company's needs.
Brazil's Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles has warned that if Congress does not approve a ceiling for public spending, the country will have chosen a most cumbersome path with new rounds of tax increases and higher interest rates which will further delay sustainable growth.
Next month's summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will take place under watchful eyes of 10,000 Brazilian soldiers and police officers and all have been highly trained for the job by Israelis, according to a report on the Israel NonStop website, based on details broadcast by Israeli Channel 2 television news reporter Nir Dvori.