An international scientific voyage, comprising 60 researchers from 30 different countries (including Argentina), has set off from South Africa on a three-month tour of the Antarctic to study the extreme environment and impact of climate change on the Southern Ocean.
Rockhopper Exploration has issued an update on planning for Phase 1 of the Sea Lion oil field development in the offshore North Falkland basin. Operator Premier's latest estimate of capex to first oil is US$1.5 billion, with life of field costs (capex, opex, and lease) of around US$35/bbl for Phase 1.
In the final stretch of his term President Barack Obama is implementing new environmental protections that stand to thwart Donald Trump's agenda on oil and gas extraction in ways that may prove difficult for the president-elect to roll back. The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that it will place an indefinite ban on offshore oil and gas drilling across large swaths of Atlantic and Arctic waters.
Brazil’s farm economy will rebound in 2017 with a record harvest pushing up grain exports and expanding the country’s livestock industry, according to analysts’ forecasts. An estimated record grain harvest of 213.1 million tons would be 14% larger than last year, when crops were devastated by drought, according to Brazil government estimates. The harvest will start in January.
The government of Nicolás Maduro Tuesday reopened its border with Colombia, eight days after closing it to combat smuggling, it was announced.
Twenty-one Argentine experts who will investigate climate change have arrived at the country's southernmost Antarctic Belgrano II Base, it was reported.
A huge explosion on Tuesday at the San Pablito fireworks market outside Mexico City has killed at least 31 people, according to the latest reports, while scores were injured. It was said that there were around 300 tonnes of fireworks on site at the time of the explosion, but that is yet to be confirmed.
The Rio Santiago shipyard (ARS) Tuesday began building the first ship for the Argentine Navy in 38 years, it was announced.
The Islamic State (ISIS) terror organization Tuesday admitted to being behind Monday's attack, when a lorry driven by one of its soldiers, crashed into a Berlin Christmas market, leaving 12 people dead.
A Colombian freighter belonging to the airline Aerosucre failed to get properly airborne from Puerto Carreño and ended up crashing onto the ground and bursting into flames five nautical miles from the runway.