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Stories for March 2018

  • Thursday, March 22nd 2018 - 14:53 UTC

    Cambridge Analytica partner in Brazil under prosecutor investigation

    André Torretta, the president of the Brazilian firm, is known as a pioneer in specialized consulting among Brazil's C-suite business leaders

    Brazilian prosecutors on Wednesday said they had opened an investigation into whether London-based political consultancy Cambridge Analytica acted illegally in Brazil, as controversy over the firm’s data harvesting practices spreads across the globe.

  • Thursday, March 22nd 2018 - 14:26 UTC

    Lula could have to begin serving his 12-year sentence next week

    The three-judge appeals court in southern Brazil will rule on Monday on the final procedural appeals by Lula’s legal team.

    Brazilian federal appeals court will make a final ruling next week on a corruption conviction of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a decision that could see the popular politician ordered to prison shortly afterward, the court’s press office said on Wednesday.

  • Thursday, March 22nd 2018 - 14:04 UTC

    Zuckenberg admitted the network “made mistakes”, and was willing to testify before Congress

    In a statement Zuckerberg admitted a “breach of trust” occurred and with CNN said he was “really sorry”, and pledged action against “rogue apps”.

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that the social network “made mistakes” that led to millions of Facebook users having their data exploited by a political consultancy.Cambridge Analytica is accused of improperly using the data on behalf of political clients. In a statement Zuckerberg said a “breach of trust” had occurred. In a later interview with CNN he said he was “really sorry”, and pledged to take action against “rogue apps”.

  • Thursday, March 22nd 2018 - 11:33 UTC

    Red Cross: Rising humanitarian needs among Venezuelans entering Colombia

    In 2017 alone, an estimated 796,000 people entered Colombia from Venezuela through official migration points

    The Colombian Red Cross Society have been working for more than a year to support people arriving in Colombia and travelling through the country. Aid workers are warning of rising vulnerabilities among people crossing the Colombian-Venezuelan border and “are calling on the international community to increase support for humanitarian efforts”, said a statement published by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) at Geneva.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2018 - 20:27 UTC

    Peruvian president offers resignation to Congress ahead of an impeachment vote

    Kuczynski's resignation follows the shock revelation of several of the president's allies caught allegedly trying to buy a lawmaker to block the impeachment.

    Embattled President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has offered his resignation to Peru's congress ahead of a scheduled vote on whether to impeach the former Wall Street investor on corruption charges, according to a presidential aide. If congress accepts the resignation, power would transfer to Vice President Martin Vizcarra, who is serving as Peru's ambassador to Canada.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2018 - 20:25 UTC

    Powell's Fed confirms gradualism: anticipates 5 more modest rate increases in next 21 months

    Jerome Powell said the Fed expects to increase rates twice more this year, and in 2019 from two to three, reflecting on faster growth and lower unemployment.

    The Federal Reserve is raising its benchmark interest rate to reflect a solid U.S. economy and signaling that it's sticking with a gradual approach to rate hikes for 2018 under its new chairman, Jerome Powell. The Fed said it expects to increase rates twice more this year. At the same time, it increased its estimate for rate hikes in 2019 from two to three, reflecting an expectation of faster growth and lower unemployment.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2018 - 10:07 UTC

    Facebook shareholder suing the company, which has lost US$ 50bn in value

    Cambridge Analytica, a US-based subsidiary of UK-based firm SCL, obtained as many as 50 million Facebook profiles by abusing Facebook's data sharing features

    A Facebook shareholder is suing the social media giant for allegedly misleading investors in the Cambridge Analytica affair that's currently rocking the social network. Fan Yuan, who owns Facebook stock, filed a lawsuit Tuesday in the District Court of Northern California, located in San Francisco, on behalf of Facebook shareholders. Gizmodo first reported the lawsuit, which is seeking class action status. You can read the full complaint here.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2018 - 10:03 UTC

    Financial leaders reject protectionism, but prepare for a trade war

    U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to unveil tariffs on up to US$ 60 billion in Chinese technology and telecoms products by Friday

    The world’s financial leaders rejected protectionism on Tuesday and urged “further dialogue” on trade, but failed to diffuse the threat of a trade war days before U.S. metals tariffs take effect and Washington is to announce measures against China. Finance ministers and central bankers of the world’s 20 biggest economies, which represent 75% of world trade and 85% of global gross domestic product, discussed trade disruptions as a risk to growth at a two-day meeting.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2018 - 10:00 UTC

    Google pledges to combat fake news monitor misinformation during elections”

    The project called MediaWise - in partnership with Stanford University among others- will help young news readers “distinguish fact from fiction online”.

    Google has said it will invest US$300 million in helping news organizations to fight fake news and grow their businesses. The search engine giant will also invest in new technological tools to enhance online news consumption.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2018 - 07:49 UTC

    Falklands' air service upgrading avionics of its fleet of Islanders

    FIGAS has been an integral part of Falklands' life since 1948 and its very first Islander, destroyed in the Falklands War, entered service in October 1979. (Pic ThinkDefence)

    Britten-Norman has reported that it completed the first in a series of avionics upgrades to a fleet of five BN2B-26 Islanders owned and operated by the Falkland Island Government Aviation Services (FIGAS). The avionics are being upgraded to the Garmin G600 glass cockpit standard including the GTN650/750 GPS/NAV/COMM, GTX335R remote transponder and electronic engine instruments.