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Falklands‘ sovereignty: in UN letter, UK makes clear to Argentina its historical and legal position

Friday, January 29th 2021 - 08:56 UTC
Full article 89 comments

Last 14 January, the United Kingdom Permanent Representative to the United Nations addressed a letter to the Secretary-General. The letter, in accordance with instructions received from the UK Government, was to refer to the letter dated 30 December 2020 from the Permanent Representative of Argentina to the United Nations, addressed to the Secretary-General. Read full article


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  • Judge Jose

    Argentina Capisce,

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Islander1

    Yep- that statement nailed the facts of 1833 and the reality of today- and the principles of the UN Charter- which even Argentina signed up to!

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Chicureo

    The goat herders of my region today are rejoicing with the first mild rain of the summer in the central region of Chile. (Also welcome to replenish our Aconcagua aquifer.)

    The point of my post is directed at Señor Güeón Guilote:

    Dear Güeón, I pity your ignorance and although I’m aware that you’re mentally challenged — sincerely hope you and Teresa* Hill unify in a civil (or religious) ceremony. You two were definitely made for each other.

    Güeón, please continue to post here at MP as I truly enjoy the amusement. I actually admire some things of your country — but just appreciate it’s on the other side of the Andes.


    (*Terence prefers to be addressed as Teresa)

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 03:13 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Trimonde

    Nothing more tempting to stoke a verbal argument than a crap... defense full of lies, distortions and pathetic attempts at building something that sounds valid!
    1) ... naH! screw it. Everyone can see right through their bull sh... !

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 05:19 pm - Link - Report abuse -9
  • Judge Jose

    History of the Falklands started long before 1833. if BULL. SH... was an olympic sport then Argentina would be gold medalists,

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Chicureo

    You ever wonder why wealthy Argentines shelter their wealth abroad and eschew investing in their beloved county?

    President Alberto Fernandez is stealing about $3 billion by additionally taxing the richest 12,000 of Argentina's 44 million inhabitants.

    According to the government — those who are taxable will pay up to 3.5 percent on assets declared within the country, and up to 5.25 percent on assets held abroad.

    (This of course is a part of the 'Reset' or 'Build Back Better' global trend that the globalists are preaching — but the Argentine politicians will typically abscond with a large percentage of it for themselves.)

    Argentina will never fully pay back the recently renegotiated international debt. It’s one enormous continuous Ponzi scheme.



    (Below is exclusively for the Canadian mentally challenged dweller of his mother’s basement who subsists on junkfood.)

    Tonight on this beautiful Summer evening — we are dining on a châteaubriand of center-cut filet with sautéed asparagus accompanied with an outstanding '12 Viña Arboleda Carménère.

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    You shouldn't talk about yourself like that - it's bad for your self esteem - currently running at minus 22.6

    Jan 29th, 2021 - 11:55 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • bushpilot


    If that is a, “defense full of lies”, name just 3 of those lies.

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 02:31 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator camp follower, perpetual loser.
    “fascists” “trumpery” ...Evidence, where is your evidence”
    How about these apples? No chance of democratic hegemony existing here.
    Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions...I support nationalists that are willing to protect their nation ...Just giving the vote to women has resulted in our current nightmare.”
    You have only ever supported him against me, perpetual loser.

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 02:23 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Welcome back Teresa!

    We’ve greatly missed your enlightened comments to the forum.

    I hope all is well in your mother’s basement and certainly imagine the bitterly frigid Canadian Winter must be very depressing…

    As I know you avidly closely follow my simple “hayseed” countryside life — paying close attention to my daily menu and alcohol consumption — attached is specifically just for you.

    As you have constantly reminded me of my obligations of having to work on the farm — you can clearly understand hard labor requires nutritious food.

    Today’s le déjeuner is one of our country’s most traditional delicious dishes — Pastel de Choclo (Madame's own version of corn chicken casserole) along with a Chilean salad (garden tomato and onion) accompanied with the opened bottle of last night’s outstanding '12 Viña Arboleda Carménère.

    I’m certain that both Pugol-TTWH and Jack Bauer share their special regards for you and your dearest Long Dong Silver.


    (BTW you really should hook up with Señor Güeón Guillote — as you two make a perfect pair!)

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    Is there no end to your deliberate lying? Amazing, that every fascist shares the same agenda, of avoiding the truth at all costs.
    So lets revisit your sources to show who and what you are, an alcoholic rube.
    “I've been surprisingly disproved as someone has been drinking way too much eggnog this evening and is behaving like a mean drunk on these joyous days.”
    “Early this morning, over a mug of Baileys and coffee, I was trying to remember last night's remarkable ... conversation”
    “brewed coffee with about a quarter of the mug with room temperature Balieys.
    Besides all the normal beverages — we still have plenty of Casillero del Diablo Cabernet
    Sauvignon ...'12 Viña Arboleda Carménère”
    “Sundown coming soon, 'n time for a bourbon.” Go on crawl back into your bottle you pathetic drunk.
    ”Delusional Disorder and Alcohol Abuse
    These delusions are a form of psychosis, and they typically involve a conviction that something is happening (or did happen or will happen) that is false. Often these delusions are paranoid”
    The champion of “Comment removed by the editor.” Says it all.

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Chicureo

    I would remind Teresa that she herself began the unkind discord by incessantly attacking Pugol-TTWH, Jack Bauer and myself with ridiculous outrageous as well as mendacious accusations and although she viciously attacked our enjoyment of living life — it became very apparent of her hypocrisy as she is clearly a closet alcoholic.

    Teresa attacked my personal specific enjoyment of harvesting nutritious Summer fruit to share with people during their Winter and still does not understand that I greatly enjoy working in the countryside.

    Even as recreation — Madame and I love working the soil of home gardening as fun.
    There is absolutely no reason to deride the farmers of the world providing food — including to the many ignorant people who think their food source originates in supermarkets.

    After all we're just humble campesinos in Chile — providing needed employment for our people from carbon absorbing and oxygen emitting superfood avocado orchards.

    I’ll not embarrass Teresa about her bizarre perverted fixation about Brazilian filthy-toilet-paper or her mendacious wild claims of serving in the RAF during the Cuban Missile Crisis — but her shameless admiration of war criminals is abhorrently unforgivable.

    I urge her to seek help at:

    I hopefully she seems this kind help and direction to embrace a healthy future in Canada.


    Jan 30th, 2021 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Teresa FW
    Well, I wasn’t even posting here actually, not that you seemed to notice but as you raise the issues again, I shall repeat the questions put to you.

    1. “silence is acquiescence”, with this in mind, have you ever been to Brazil? Yes or no.

    Before you go off into another “bumf” tirade, answer the question.

    2. “fascists” “trumpery”???

    Where have I ever said I support either???

    Evidence, where is your evidence????

    Remember your own words:

    “It's your burden to prove your claim”.

    “Since your failure to meet your obligation to support such a claim means you’re revealed once more as liar”.

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    I await your Evidence to support your claim.

    Or “inveterate liar” it is for you, again.

    Saludos Compadre, I trust all is well in the Andean Shangri-La.

    Saludos de Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    P.S. Time for a “Baileys coffee”, methinks.

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 05:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “I would remind him he began the unkind discord by incessantly attacking Pugol, Jack Bauer and myself” Hmm if that was true you'd be able to show where and when. But, as always no proof, no truth. Whereas, anything I have first posted has been accompanied by the necessary prerequisite of proof.
    Where is any time you have not aided and abetted Chicureo, and never have any of you provided proof like at

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 06:23 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo


    In your very first text of each of your posts — you continuously accuse Pugol-TTWH, Jack Bauer and I of ridiculous accusations.

    I also find it hilarious that you ignore whether you ever did truly visit Brazil.

    And I completely understand how Jack Bauer conclusively proved yourself as a pathological liar — as well as others who have actually experienced a Brazilian experience.

    I again urge you to seek help at:

    There is no shame in finding free professional assistance in frigid Canada.


    I hope all is well with you and those you care for there in Colonia Nervia Glevensium.

    As I mentioned, we’re experiencing the very first precipitation of the entire Summer season with a daytime high only at 24⁰c (76⁰f) and an expected nightime low of 14⁰c (58⁰f) with current an overcast sky.

    Although we’ve paused our labor force this weekend — our quality is unaffected as most of our grapes and almost all of our avocados have been completely harvested. (Current markets at this season are excellent.)

    The Chicureo region and to the South of our country — have received a significant needed storm system providing needed rainfall.

    It's actually snowing heavily in the Andes which will provide additional water reserves to our Aconcagua aquifer.

    Although not necessarily needed — ma mariée enchantresse has started a satisfying grapewood blaze in our farmhouse fireplace.

    Obviously the Andes cordillera is shrouded in clouds — but we expect the view in the next few days of the Aconcagua mountain with snow to be magnificent.

    I appreciate you holding Teresa to respond truthfully about her supposed Brazilian travels as well as her mendacious accusations.

    Your wise suggestion of a Baileys coffee sounds excellent — but not until tomorrow morning as I’m planning to open one of our old Merlots for the evening.

    All my very best regards — Cheers!

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 06:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Whether you ever did truly visit Brazil.” That's right when bested raise irrelevances,
    and 'move the goal-posts'.
    “I completely understand how Jack Bauer conclusively proved yourself...” No he never , in fact it I that has proved him the liar.
    JB “Your insistence that I'm a fascist”
    Brazil's corruption scandals reach Lula da Silva: ...
    12 Jack Bauer; “..'Military dictatorship', ..history is showing,.. that it was good for Brazil
    50 Jack Bauer; “Military taking over again, ….. they did it to prevent Brazil from being handed over to the communists. ... the Military , I hope, would be there again to save Brazil
    Brazil remembers the 50th anniversary of the coupe…
    15 Jack Bauer; “..Am pretty sure that military are accompanying all this … I hope they DO take over...”
    JB “The military option was better than the communist”

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo


    As I’ve earlier mentioned, the current Hass variety avocado market is excellent with our strategy of a late harvest resulting in record prices.

    Much of the North American Winter demand has resulted from massive and very expensive advertising conducted by Mexican avocado growers for the American Superbowl.

    One humorous example:

    Rotterdam wholesale prices are also superb — especially as ours have a higher oil content which commands a premium. (Hass variety always is the most desired.)

    This evening’s fare is Madame’s la recette de la fondue savoyarde which is a mix of three different cheeses and Chardonnay — with garlic sourdough croutons, sautéed Chanterelle mushrooms and leftover slices of yesterday’s exquisite chateaubriand for dipping.

    (When we first started dating — this was one of ma mariée’s signature dishes which was very popular with her ski team.)

    I’ve already pulled the cork of an '89 Viña Santa Rita Casa Merlot that my beloved father cellared for enjoying now and it’s really outstanding.

    Life currently here in the Aconcagua countryside is excellent — as I certainly do hope yours there in Colonia Nervia Glevensium is as well.


    (Curious how Teresa is too frightened to answer your question about ever visiting Brazil. I’m saddened of her evident continual imbibing of cheap vodka.)

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 08:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    ***“Yours have a higher oil content”***...?

    Silly me thougt that avocados had a high fat content...

    Somebody does maybe Think that oil sounds healthier than fat...?

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    You surprise me with your question.

    Avocado maturity is measured either by oil content or more commonly by dry matter percentage. The Hass variety is ideal at least 23% dry matter.

    (Obviously, color is another maturity determinate — but makes them unsuitable for long transit.)

    Almost 70% of avocado oil consists of heart-healthy oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid.

    This fatty acid is also the main component of olive oil, and believed to be partly responsible for its health benefits.

    Additionally, around 12% of avocado oil is saturated fat and about 13% is polyunsaturated fat.

    While avocado oil has a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (13:1), this shouldn’t be of concern as the total amount of omega-6 is relatively low.

    Eating avocados are healthy and as I've mentioned — good for our environment.

    And how are you doing this evening?


    Jan 30th, 2021 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Is too frightened to answer your question about ever visiting Brazil.”
    Not at all, I'll stay with my criteria that don't jump through hoops for anyone, even when they're given support of a perfumed sheeted poofta.
    Imbibing!! You have no idea but don't let the truth get in the way. Whereas your swilling has been repeatedly exposed.
    “I've been surprisingly disproved as someone has been drinking way too much eggnog this evening and is behaving like a mean drunk on these joyous days.”
    “Early this morning, over a mug of Baileys and coffee, I was trying to remember last night's remarkable ... conversation”
    “brewed coffee with about a quarter of the mug with room temperature Balieys.
    Besides all the normal beverages — we still have plenty of Casillero del Diablo Cabernet
    Sauvignon ...'12 Viña Arboleda Carménère”
    “Sundown coming soon, 'n time for a bourbon.” Go on crawl back into your bottle you pathetic drunk.

    Jan 30th, 2021 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think

    You are quoting about mechanically extracted AVOCADO OIL..., hermanito...

    When the “fatty stuff” is in the fruit..., nobody calls it oil..., all call it what it is...: FAT...

    But don't take my word for it...
    Google it..., There are at least 1.000 looooooong, professsssional PDF's online that you can consult...


    Jan 30th, 2021 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    We prefer to emphasize that oil sounds highly more healthy than fat — although obviously Hass variety avocados naturally have a very high fat content.

    (Fat is a term we prefer to avoid but you are correct as olives are of high fat content — but the public needs to hear “healthy oil” as an alternative description.)

    If you've ever tasted a disappointing avocado — it was probably because it was either immature or an inferior variety or going bad.

    We as an industry could have easily harvested our entire crop in December — but wisely chose a late marketing window after the Mexican Hass and Peruvian Hass competition finished.

    (There are several other excellent tasting varieties — but the Hass variety is recognized and preferred by our retailers and customers.)

    Serendipity has blessed us with an open market and our maturity is actually higher than our competitors due to strategically delaying our harvest.

    Obviously the inebriated Teresa has forgotten her earlier admission of imbibing vodka in 2017 — as well as her confession in 2015 of cohabiting the lower level of her mother's Canadian home.

    What we didn't know — was her brave transitioning to another gender identity in 2021.

    (This obviously was unexpected and I personally apologize for causing Teresa any discomfort.)

    I'm learning at this very moment that Santiago to the South is receiving heavy rainfall and hail which is unfortunate for our grape competition — but makes our very small production of Flame and Superior Seedless already harvested — commanding even a higher free consignment return.

    And yes THINK — we're again having cheese as I earlier explained — its a part of the matrimonial yoke as with sleeping in perfumed sheets that drives Teresa (as Pugol earlier observed) absolutely into a jealous envious rage!

    Wishing you a very pleasant evening as ma mariée is currently desirous of my attention.

    There's a song about a romantic rain soaked Saturday that I faintly remember...


    Jan 30th, 2021 - 11:23 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Teresa FW

    Ahhh, yes, I understand, your link, it was pretty damming for you however it did sum things up quite succinctly I thought, I particularly liked:

    “Everything else is allegation, insinuation, opinion, contention or otherwise un-provable bollox”.

    It was your Waterloo and Blenheim all at once, so it must have hurt and obviously still hurts, but you brought it on yourself.

    However my past glories aside, you have not answered the questions, which you must or “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    1. “Silence is acquiescence”, with this in mind, have you ever been to Brazil???
    Yes or no???

    2. “Fascists” “trumpery”???
    Where have I ever said I support either???

    Evidence, where is your evidence???

    Or “inveterate liar” it is for you, again.

    Also, when do you not “attack” people on here??? Everyone does it sometimes, it’s just you do it all the time, every time.

    And you wonder why you’re Teresa No Mates???

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 12:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Obviously the inebriated Teresa has forgotten her earlier admission of imbibing vodka in 2017 — as well as her confession in 2015 of cohabiting the lower level of her mother's Canadian home.”
    This is another no brainer. If you had proof you would have revealed it. Thus, no proof no truth.
    Pugol, the ingratiator camp follower, perpetual loser.
    “fascists” “trumpery” ...Evidence, where is your evidence”
    How about these apples? No chance of democratic hegemony existing here.
    Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions...I support nationalists that are willing to protect their nation ...Just giving the vote to women has resulted in our current nightmare.”
    You have only ever supported him against me, perpetual loser.

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Freddy Worldwide

    Reality and Argentina aren't even distant friends. They're trying to block the sun with a finger. Quite ridiculous. Argentina, the only country that thought tactics was a type of mint…

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 03:21 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Chicureo


    Oh how I really enjoy the early morning countryside ambiance at dawn — always my favorite part of the day!

    Over last night’s romantic fondue — held on the coffee table in front of our fireplace and sitting on floor cushions — it was reminiscent of when we first dated so long ago and the fabulous old Merlot we were enjoying was not yet bottled back then.

    The evening was delightfully memorable!

    This morning I did have a delicious mug of Baileys coffee. Later ma mariée enchantresse and I enjoyed a breakfast of smoked salmon with cream cheese on toasted sourdough bread.

    We both took a long walk together through the quiet peaceful vineyards — feasting on small clusters of overlooked unharvested sweet Flame Seedless grapes. (We actually gathered a small bagfull for the farmhouse as they were so delicious like candy.)

    Although the Andes mountains this glorious morning remain shrouded by overcast clouds — the metrology report of last night’s snowfall is excellent which was welcomed for our valley aquifer.

    Today’s le déjeuner menu includes a delicious quiche lorraine recipe — that Madame somehow obtained from the famed Les Petits Mitrons restaurant in Paris.

    As it’s Sunday and as we’re enjoying ourselves — we’ll open a chilled Valdivieso champenoise to accompany the meal.

    I note that last night a clearly inebriated Teresa completely blew a gasket and cowardly again ignored your question — proving her lies and more proof what Jack Bauer earlier exposed about her. (I imagine she might be under some sort of hormonal transitional treatment — which has made her irritably bitchy.)

    Teresa misunderstands the term “misogynist” as I've always loved women — but I really have no sympathy for crazy idiotic bitches.

    (She has her panties all twisted up in a knot because you Pugol identified here closeted gender identity!)

    Unlike your pleasant Winter weather in Gloucester — the horrendously frigid location of Teresa in Canada is unbearably miserable.


    Jan 31st, 2021 - 12:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “misogynist” as I've always loved women”
    That doesn't wash as you have zero credibility since you have been unable to prove anything you claim.
    https ://

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 04:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Pugol-H

    Teresa FW

    You have not answered either question.

    I remind you of your own words:

    “It's your burden to prove your claim”.

    “Since your failure to meet your obligation to support such a claim means you’re revealed once more as liar”.

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    So I repeat:

    1. “Silence is acquiescence”, with this in mind, have you ever been to Brazil???
    Yes or no???

    2. “Fascists” “trumpery”???
    Where have I ever said I support either???

    Evidence, where is your evidence I have ever supported either???

    No one is going to “support you”, because you attack everyone else.

    And you wonder why you’re Teresa No Mates???

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 04:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Well..., well..., well...

    Last week it was announced that they were “some few” Covid19 cases on some foreign crew members of some few Spanish/Falklands joint venture fishing vessels that were to sail to the Malvinas pirate fishing season..., but that the Spanish/Falklands joint venture fishing companies had everything under “strict protocol” control...

    Today..., it is announced that there is a massive outbreak of Covid19 cases on almost all crews of all Spanish/Falklands joint venture fishing fishing vessels..., including those that had already sailed a couple of weeks ago... that are now being derouted to Brasil and Cabo Verde...
    - I don't Think those Countries will be very happy for their visit...

    So much for the “strict protocol” control them Spanish/Falklands joint venture fishing companies said theiy had...!

    As I said last week..., them Spanish/Falklands joint venture fishing companies better have a very gooooooood liability insurance policy..., and even better lawyers...

    Those Spanish/Falklands joint venture fishing vessels are operating under European Union legislation..., and we surely will look carefully into who's responsible for this irresponsible disregard of human life...


    Jan 31st, 2021 - 04:40 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    No problem, we can soon sort that out, thanks to the devious Swedish company AstraZenica, we are awash with vaccine from Europe no less, pouring in by the truck load over the Irish border.

    “Loads a vaccine” Europe, “loads a vaccine”.

    Thank God for Brexit.

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 05:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH & Estimado THINK

    I’ve always said that the herd immunity strategy (now combined with the numerous vaccines) is the most pragmatic approach to confronting this pandemic.

    It’s interesting that the actual death toll of the second wave shows apparently lower mortality rates. Also the COVID19 virus is mutating which leads to perhaps new vaccines needed in the future.

    Changing subjects: Notice the difference in Teresa’s writing prose from last night’s drunken diatribe?

    I’m in such a great mood this Sunday — I can only laugh at Teresa again avoiding answering your question about her ever visiting in Brazil.

    Besides the quiche lorraine we collected some beautiful Black Krim tomatos (a variety originating from Crimea) along with some other delightful vegetables from our garden.

    We have some very attractive melons we'll harvest this coming week. One of my favorite meals we'll definitely enjoy will be chilled melon with paper thin slices of Jamon Serrano.

    We feel like newlyweds on this beautiful Sunday.

    Sadly Teresa and I have not got along — perhaps due to my insensitive traditional masculine attitude and although the World does seem to be embracing her bizarre new life-choice — I offer a helpful website for female outdoor activities when the snow drifts melt away:


    Jan 31st, 2021 - 05:16 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Due to my insensitive traditional masculine attitude”
    “I’m hitched to the chaffing hardwood yoke but I do enjoy those perfumed bedsheets”
    Hardly, in fact that is pretty poovy.
    Obviously a heady brew for those that are emasculated. To be envious I'd also have to be a self-confessed emasculated lush like you, which I'm not. Yours is not situation I envy, since I have my fuck you money, and I don't have to pick fruit to enjoy my life style.

    Jan 31st, 2021 - 08:32 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH & Estimado THINK

    This late afternoon here in Panquehue has really turned out to be gorgeous with a beautiful blue sky and the clouds shrouding the Andes have opened for us to view the spectacular snow covered peak of the Aconcagua mountain from our farmhouse. (One very good thing is that the re-tiled roof of the barn showed no leaks after the first rain of the Summer.)

    The only sad news is that Madame needs to attend to our housekeeper in Chicureo so I’m back to the bachelor life for at least a couple of days.

    Although the quiche lorraine for lunch was spectacular and we still have over half in the refrigerator — I plan to grill a nice sirloin steak and accompany it with butter-garlic sautéed asparagus paired with an '08 Viña Montes Alpha Carménère. (I’ll be sharing it tomorrow with my daughter.)

    Pugol: I again applaud your very accurate acute perception of Teresa’s resentful envious rage that again is clearly triggered with the comment about PERFUMED BEDSHEETS that has driven her into another ill-tempered jealous rant!

    The bitch doesn't seem to understand that we greatly like farming and enjoy gardening as an delightful avocation. (Unlike Teresa — we have no “FU” money.)

    When’s Teresa finally does get around to answering your Brazilian questions — one pending PROOF cannot be denied by Teresa: the

    — The Cuba Missile Crisis occurred in 1962.

    — An airman of the RAF in 1962 with the technical rating required would be at least 20 years old.

    If you simply add the numbers — Teresa has proved herself as a fool and she is definitely not an octogenarian!
    (I would also mention as especially a real airman trained in about 1960 would be knowledgeable of Morse Code.)

    Yet the sour mentally challenged bitch continues to lie.

    Attached is a photograph of Aconcagua from the Argentine looking toward Chile:

    I certainly hope Sunday was as delightful and pleasant in Gloucester as well as the Italian Riviera.


    Jan 31st, 2021 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think

    Time to uncork a top ten bottle..., hermanito... ;-)

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 12:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “A real airman trained in about 1960 would be knowledgeable of Morse Code.”
    I see your engaging in your fraud of re-raising issues you've already lost before.

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 12:56 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK & Pugol-TTWH

    I really appreciate the review of the Bodega Piedra Negra Malbec — certainly Argentina deserves accolades! (If your vintners had the same exporter advantages as ourselves — they could potentially bury us.)

    This beautiful morning I arose before dawn from my cocoon of the infamous ‘perfumed sheets' and enjoyed an espresso while admiring the cordillera from the patio.

    I visited the vineyards where we were applying sulfur and we plan to finish the final grape harvest after the fields completely dries.

    Last night I had an outstanding Lomo Liso steak (also known as a Bife de Chorizo in Argentina) perfectly prepared blood-rare (as I love it) with simply delicious asparagus and marvelous Carménère.

    Although I was tempted to prepare my very thick sirloin on the outdoor grill — I opted instead to fry on an exceptionally hot cast iron pan in the kitchen with butter and rosemary sprigs. (My method is as the steak sizzles — tilting the pan to spoon the melted butter as I reached a perfect less-than-medium-rare — then removing the steak to temper while lightly sautéeing the asparagus and garlic and rosemary at a reduced heat.)

    Last night’s entertainment was reading one of my father’s novels: ‘El entenado' (The witness) by the notable Argentine writer Juan José Saer about a 16th century Spanish cabin boy on a ship bound for the New World. (It was an excellent read with a goblet of fine wine.)

    Conveniently le déjeuner today is leftover chilled quiche lorraine with my love-struck daughter — returning from an extended weekend at Panguipulli Lake. (Quiche always tastes better the day after.)

    As for Teresa’s ignorant lack of simple addition: The minimum age for a qualified airman of the RAF with the technical rating required would be at least 20 years old during the crisis. (20 + 59 = 79) That would be the very youngest probable veteran!

    Conclusive PROOF Teresa is a LIAR and obviously a complete FRAUD!!!


    ¡Saludos de Panquehue!

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think


    1) You say...:
    ***“If your vintners had the same exporter advantages as ourselves — they could potentially bury us.”***
    I say...:
    What do ya mean with “Potentially”...?... ;-)

    2) You say...:
    ***“ ...This morning I arose ... from my perfumed sheets and enjoyed an Espresso...”***
    I say... :
    Good that you learned how to spell “Espresso”...
    Now..., are them sheets Egyptian or Pima cotton...? Or.., even better...,Flax......?
    (I personally use silk for me sleeping bag cocoon... ;-)

    3) You say...:
    ***“Although I was tempted to prepare my very thick sirloin on the outdoor grill — I opted instead to fry on an exceptionally hot cast iron pan in the kitchen with butter and rosemary”***
    I say...:
    Agreeing on that it ain't any better way to prepare meat than on an open fire in the free..., I just want to tell you that..., many years ago..., before I went photovoltaic..., I bought some Petromax “Sol de Noches” and one of their Carbon steel skillets..
    I haven't used any other skillet since then...!,makes%20it%20easier%20to%20handle.


    Feb 01st, 2021 - 12:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    You clearly show when defeated on the morse code issue, you move the goal-posts to a claim of 'impossibility' which is still your burden to prove. It's defeated in a moment even though there is on my part no requirement, as it's not my burden.
    Oh what shame I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are.
    A pictures worth a thousand words.

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK

    On the subject of bedsheets, cooking pans and wine.

    I grew up in a household that cotton sheets were replacing the fine linen and I remember sometime in the 70's we started experiencing the terrible cotton polyester in which the cotton was less than 50%. (Of course, at that time all sheets were carefully ironed.)

    I soon discovered in the academy a wrinkled misplaced sheet would result in a week of latrine duty and as Pavlov proved — I fastidiously make my bed as the first task in the morning. (One annoying habit is to arise even earlier that my bedmate leaving it for her.)

    As what kind of sheets we use in our different camps — all I paid attention to is that they are 100% high thread count cotton although I do not know the origin. (with the exception of Valle Nevado where they're cotton flannel.)

    During our travels we've experienced a variety of different types of bedsheets — but never the luxury of silk. (Something perhaps to consider in the future.)

    Regarding cooking pans — thanks for the attached informative site. The pan looks excellent for using!

    Madame and the late ( Veronica Blackburn ) tested and accumulated about every imaginable cooking pan on the market. We have a huge array scattered throughout our gypsy camps — but Madame generally prefers the traditional French. (I used a cast iron WMF for preparing my steak.)

    As far as wine — I know too well your enormous wine industry produces more wine than Chile and arguably your wine tour experiences used to be more sophisticated than ours — but my point was about taxes.

    Thanks to the Chicago Boys — Chilean exporters have far more advantages over yours resulting in not only high profitability — but also a tremendous influx of foreign capital investment. If your country had the same advantages we would indeed be buried.


    (Teresa needs to realize: Q.E.D. is the Latin abbreviation for quod erat demonstrandum and she can't add numbers.)

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think


    - Cotton flannel is so adequate for those chilly high 6 evenings..., with its welcoming, almosy motherly womb tepidity...:-)

    - Were it not for all that fuzzy lint that appears after some use...:-(

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Can't add numbers.”
    I yes I can, your speculation is a case of “Garbage in, garbage out”,_garbage_out
    Whereas, the proof is the picture which is worth thousand words, and is irrefutable.

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 05:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think

    BTW..., hermanito...
    Shall I assume that you don't consider anthropology as a science...?

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 05:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK & Pugol-TTWH

    Yes, I agree about the flannel on a cold evening. They are a luxury in winter — but probably horrible on a hot Summer’s night.

    Regarding my earlier post: Included in our wide variety of cookware — it includes Scanpan of Denmark. Also, something perhaps similar to yours — we have De Buyer steel fry pans.

    As far as cooking — nothing can produce the same delight of grilling on a fire and for years a gas burner seemed ideal — but since we first installed induction early last year in Valle Nevado — both Madame and I are convinced converts. (The problem of course is induction is only compatible with specific pans.)

    Regarding the Law of Jante opinion:

    “Sweden has enabled collective denial of the unethical and inadequate ways in which Sweden has handled the Covid-19 pandemic so far. Critiquing the strategy has been seen as critiquing the state and Sweden itself. Such a defensive attitude helps maintain strong trust in state institutions, while keeping an image of Swedish exceptionalism, regardless of global trends and emerging studies from beyond its own borders.”

    My point is that the argument fails when Sweden is compared with most of Europe.

    The lockdowns have been a dubious double-edged sword — and despite their initial errors on handling an unknown virus — I applaud their libertarian handling of the pandemic.

    In any case — I'm all for vaccines to assist in achieving herd immunity.

    It looks like new vaccines will be needed to confront future mutations — but this pandemic hopefully will subside this year.


    (Teresa can bitch and complain with her wet soaked panties all twisted up in a knot— but 20 plus 59 equals 79 and cannot be denied.
    I again urge Teresa to seek immediate obviously needed help at: httpss:// )

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 06:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Can't add numbers.”
    I yes I can, your speculation is a case of “Garbage in, garbage out”,_garbage_out
    Whereas, the proof is the picture which is worth thousand words, and is irrefutable.

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think

    Doesn't work this way...
    Can't compare olive oil with butter..., hermanito...

    Feb 01st, 2021 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK & Pugol-TTWH

    Today was beautiful with large white billowing cumulous clouds against intense blue clear skies — but this evening’s sunset with the purple-rose sunset was exceptionally gorgeous.

    I spent part of my afternoon discussing with a old experienced nurseryman — the desired tree grafts we wish for our family trees at the farm and Chicureo. (It’s viable to grow multiple varieties on single trees.)

    He’s been very successful with previous grafts that we now enjoy and we’ve requested some new pluots and nectarine varieties encountered. (And although we know the actual costs are outrageously high — but we enjoy growing our own.)

    Regarding olive oil and butter — as you know I love BOTH Nordic and Mediterranean women.

    “Velvet on the tongue. The light
    of late afternoons. I am eating
    sunshine, spread on bread;
    primroses open in my mouth.
    my chin gleams yellow,
    the opposite of a halo,
    but one surely even the saints
    would recognize and bless.”

    Tonight’s dinner with my daughter was special as she’s also a steak fan — so I again prepared two large sirloins as last night — but out of curiosity used a ‘de Buyer' steel pan that resulted in almost identical results although the pan was significantly lighter.

    I earlier harvested a dozen ears of sweetcorn from the farmhouse garden and flash heated with our convection oven the corn in their presoaked husks at the highest heat setting — which I generously brushed with a honey-butter-Merkin sauce which was delicious!

    Per my daughter’s suggestion — we watched together a sentimental movie with Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan in ‘The Dig’ on Netflix while savoring the '08 Montes Alpha Carménère that I opened last night.


    Like a terribly composed Haiku poem:
    — bitch and complain about your wet soaked panties all twisted up in a knot —
    — but 20 plus 59 equals 79 —
    — and cannot be denied —

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 02:13 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think


    A) If your steaks ended being acceptable..., is a strong indication that your Misus ain't sooo bad a housemaker and had seasoned the pan more or less correctly...
    - Now..., out of curiosity about the beauty of minimalism in gastronomy..., you should try to fry a couple of eggs on that cast iron pan of yours...

    B) Your above deflection attempt by saying...: ***“ I love BOTH Nordic and Mediterranean women.”*** backfires d/gramatically...
    As you may remember......, in Spanish it's...: La Mantequilla y El Aceite...
    As you may not remember in German it's...: Die Butter und Das Öl....
    You are not only comparing two different things but also three different genders.., hermanito...

    Sometimes you make as much sense as me Kanuk A.I. sockpuppet...:-)))


    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 09:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “20 plus 59 equals 79” Is simply a word salad.
    “An assertion is a statement offered as a conclusion without supporting evidence. Since an argument is defined as a logical relationship between premise and conclusion, a simple assertion is not an argument.”
    Ignoring the Burden of Proof http ://
    A pictures worth a thousand words.
    I've got the picture, you're a no show.
    Your sheer trumpery is no proof, no truth.
    Crawl back into your bottle.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 10:36 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think

    See what I mean..., hermanito...?

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    PUGOL-TTWH and Estimado THINK
    In the news — Flu cases in England have plunged 95% amid the Coronavirus pandemic to levels not seen for 130 years. (Sky News)
    Also in the morning news — Chilean exporters association is predicting about 50% of mid-season grape varieties soon to be harvested in Chile could be split because of heavy rains south of the Aconcagua Valley.
    “These rains were a climatic phenomenon out of proportion, a catastrophe that fruit growing had not seen before,” Fedefruta President Jorge Valenzuela said in a news release.
    “At this moment, we see that the most affected fruit crop is table grapes, and we estimate that 50% of the mid-season varieties, which were about to be harvested have split,” Valenzuela said in the release.
    As we here were almost unaffected by the rain — we stand to realize now a very high market return! (We are VERY lucky!)
    Early morning my daughter and I toured the orchards on motorcycles and then enjoyed freshly made soapapillas* from the old empanada lady —before watching the crews harvest in the vineyards.
    We evaluated the new grape varieties and we’re encouraged with what we saw — but will only render a small volume of our total harvest.
    Madame just has returned from Santiago after solving a minor crisis with our Peruvian house-keeper — bringing the latest obligatory consignment of goat cheese, fresh varieties of mushrooms and a new treat: avocado chocolate bars — which are delicious!
    She’s in a surprisingly marvelous mood and yet immediately narrowed her eyes when I mentioned we had pre-ordered empanadas for lunch. (Women are really like territorial cats.)

    There are readers that agree — Teresa is a bitter mendacious ignorant whore who’s insanely envious and jealous of my Chanel scented bedsheets — that constantly bitches about her wet soaked soiled filthy panties all twisted up in a knot. She’s too dimwitted to see 20 plus 59 equals 79 and cannot be denied. Teresa is an idiot.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 01:31 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think


    After the catastrophic news from South of Shacabuco..., are you sure you will allow your well fed youngest latino farmer chancleta to be teutonic disciplined in meridional Shile...?

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    You can wallow in your emasculated poovy circumstances. I'm more than satisfied that you have revealed to all sundry, who and what you are.
    The truths a bitch for liars like you.
    “The minimum age for a qualified airman of the RAF...”
    I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 03:06 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK and Pugol-TTWH

    Weather is again stunningly beautiful today!

    There is no debate that the Colonia Dignidad was a sad chapter of my country’s history as was several chapters of your own great country:

    Of course the media loves to scandalize actual facts and reality becomes unattached to the real truth and becomes pure fiction.

    Speaking of pure fiction...

    One inept screen writer has been pitching a movie plot about a lad conceived during the Battle of Britain who grew up in the immediate post war era before enlisting into the Royal Air Corps circa 1959-60 and serving during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    As almost all creative writers do — even the most inept — they project themselves as actual protagonists in the plot — no matter how ridiculous it seems.

    As I earlier mentioned reading the fine fiction of a late Argentine writer of a 16th century cabin boy that I was captured in imagining living in the story.

    What brings back any reader of fiction is simple mathematics.

    The simple act of calculation makes you realize the fictional airman would today be an octogenarian.

    Sadly for our inept mentally challenged screenwriter — his tale is evident bollocks.

    Getting back to the chocolate avocado bar — it's so delicious I've consumed two already as they are absolutely delicious!


    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 04:10 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Teresa FW

    Once again you have failed to answer either question.

    So as “Silence is acquiescence”, your own words, you have never been to Brazil and your reports of Bags of Bumf, are entirely based you your trawling of the nether regions of the internet.

    As to “Fascists” “trumpery”, in your own words:

    “It's your burden to prove your claim”.

    “Since your failure to meet your obligation to support such a claim means you’re revealed once more as liar”.

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    By your own measure, you are an inveterate liar.

    20 + 59 = 79 is not an “assertion” or a “word salad”, it is a proof.

    It is also reproducible, so it is also a fact.

    You are proved wrong yet again and for all to see.

    20 + 59 = 79 √

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 05:18 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator camp follower, perpetual loser.
    20 + 59 = 79 is not an “assertion” or a “word salad”, it is a proof.
    OF WHAT?
    This is a proof.
    “The minimum age for a qualified airman of the RAF...”
    I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are.
    A pictures worth a thousand words, perpetual loser.
    But a good suck.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH and Estimado THINK

    I hope all is well with you and those you care about in your beautiful part of Gloucester.

    Unlike Southern England — I understand the Winter weather in Canada this year has been particularly frigid and horrible.

    As I've concluded Teresa is a bitter mendacious ignorant whore and yourself identified she's insanely envious as well as jealous of my Chanel scented bedsheets.

    I had an interesting conversation with our table grape receiver in Philadelphia and he’s already taken a strong position on holding prices at premium prices as there will be a lot of rained on fruit that will arrive with condition problems — resulting in a two tiered market.

    (Wegmans supermarkets is taking almost our entire North American shipments.)

    Most of our grape volume however is already on the water for a UK distribution to Tesco UK and we're a tiny factor in the market focused on achieving Tesco NURTURE Certification.

    Our avocados have mostly arrived and sold at excellent prices. The late market for our final arrivals will command record prices due to availability.

    We are truly blessed this season!

    Avocado demand is continuing an unprecedented growth as they are ideally fitting the popular cuisine categories of Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian and fits a versatile healthy delicious menu.

    Although we've been feasting on beef sirloin the past two nights — Madame has acceded to allowing us to grill on the outdoor steak again tonight.

    As our youngest daughter — she's a confirmed carnivore and appreciates a good red wine. Our third staggered planting of sweet corn have also matured and we have a fresh new shipment of specialty mushrooms that will be delicious in sautéed garlic butter.

    (My daughter has asked for selecting tonight's wine from the cellar — and I've only restricted her from touching her brother's Caballo Loco private stock.)

    This evening's meal for us should be extraordinary.


    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 06:23 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Think

    And poor auld minimalist me..., up here...., boiling some ravioli da ricotta e spinacci al burro (Lurpak) e salvia (dal orto) sprinkled with some 60 months young Parmiggiano...:-(

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “insanely envious as well as jealous”
    Give your head a shake. Life for most of us is a little more exciting than revealing what we'll eat and watching avocados grow.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 07:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    And by the way..., Shicuréo... What do you mean with..:

    ***“Colonia Dignidad was a sad chapter of my country’s history”***...?

    A little bit of good auld Prussian discipline has never ever harmed nobody...!

    Your chancleta would have enter “Dignidad” as a young girl and left as a real man..., I can assure you...


    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 07:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK and PUGOL-TTWH

    I recently commented about envy and mine own is sincerely immense of your mentioned menu.

    Also your comment about young women becoming men seems highly ironic considering Teresa’s bizarre opposite gender reveal — but does reveal her jealous envy rage!

    With all sincere great respect to your mentioned 60 month Parmiggiano — Madame arrived with our latest consignment of goat cheeses including a varied assortment of soft – firm – aged – smoked – and those flavorful with pimento and oregano. (The smoked are actually wrapped in grape leaf.)

    Also a wide variety of specialty mushrooms: Portobella, Shitake, Enokitake, Chanterelle and the rare Morchella/Morel which all are a part of her school-friend’s microempresa. (Her successful farming husband accepts it as a hobby that can be officially written off as a tax deduction.)

    I imagine ma mariée will be incorporating the varieties into this week’s menu — but tonight I’m looking forward to sautéed garlic butter Chanterelles with sirloin and fresh sweetcorn.

    As THINK’s countrymen — we enjoy a good outdoor asado:

    On regards to commenting about food and watching avocados grow:

    No one is forcing Teresa to endure my culinary enjoyment of a perfectly grilled succulent tender prime steak with an exquisite fine wine. (Frankly I enjoy just as much an empanada and a beer.)

    If Teresa finds happiness with her microwaveable frozen commercially prepared food while glued to her 50+ television channels in her mother’s basement — it’s her miserable life.

    Although this season — watching our family avocados grow has literally been watching MONEY growing on trees — we do it out of pleasure.

    We foolishly gamble our modest capital on a risky proposition that many times results in heartbreak.

    As I earlier mentioned we have no “F*ck You” money as it’s all tied up in financing next season’s uncertain crop.

    We grow food for the sheer pleasure of it.

    Farming is an enjoyment!

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 09:15 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pugol-H

    Ahhhh, young Parmiggiano cheese, that bread with holes in it, Prosciutto ham, a salad & dressing with red wine followed by Grappa and that short coffee that is probably illegal in Amsterdam.

    One of the best meals I ever ate. bella Italia.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 09:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 10:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    Still big on conjecture without being able to produce a single solitary fact. Coupled with being a revealed liar. So babble on little brook.

    Feb 02nd, 2021 - 10:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH and Estimado THINK

    Pugol: In less than 240 characters — a beautiful composition of Italia cuisine.

    THINK’s 178 character taunt was a precise stab of a stiletto with the desired result.

    You both had me salivating…

    Due to an abundance of ripe melons in our garden we’re feasting tomorrow on French Charentais and Burpee’s Creme De La Creme Hybrid varieties for Wednesday's déjeuner with pata negra Iberian ham.

    Tonight’s steaks were absolutely marvelous although the panfried were a bit more succulent — tonight's smoke char was very satisfying and I think the ideal is probably with a high temperature broiler.

    Also the corn was better without the honey and Merkin — as it’s from a staggered planting of Burpee Ambrosia hybrid and it’s very sweet.

    The Chanterelles however were a magnificent gourmet meal to themselves.

    As for the wine — my daughter chose one of the older bottles in the cellar: 1982 Viña Santa Carolina Reserva de Familia Cabernet Sauvignon. (The last time it had been touched was when my father placed it almost four decades ago.)

    It was not as good perhaps as what I’ve been recently sampling but it was far more satisfying than anything moderately priced today. Both the women had a very positive opinion of it’s smoothness — comparing it to a Merlot and the imagined heritage made it very sentimental.

    Regarding bread: One luxury of cohabiting with a Occitan-Catalan tempestuous enchantresse is seeing two newly prepared kneaded sourdough loaves in the kitchen ready for baking tommorow morning.

    I’m still amused with the quotation: “Life for most of us is a little more exciting than revealing what we'll eat and watching avocados grow.”

    Perhaps not only can we watch them grow — but also see machines actually harvest them with less labor:

    Israelis and Japanese have made my family very successful in the past and present.

    All the best to you both in Gloucester and the Italian Riviera.


    Feb 03rd, 2021 - 02:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Ciabatta was the bread, “like Nona used to make”.

    I also remember that trip as it was the first time I drank espresso made in Italy.

    It does not taste the same anywhere (that I have been) outside Italy, even when made by Italians.

    I don’t know why, but it is not the same taste outside Italy.

    Feb 03rd, 2021 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK and PUGOL-TTWH

    Çoffee is a national passion in Italy — but the world is now progressing.

    The latest market reports indicate — unless there is a closure of the Panama Canal or an extended port strike in Philadelphia — the entire Chilean avocado industry will achieve record high historic profitable earnings.

    I also read more about Tevel's autonomous drones which can pick fruit, or be used for pruning tasks in orchards — as well as are equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities that let them identify fruit types, blemishes and the fruit’s level of ripeness.

    It perhaps may sound ridiculous that it’s commercially feasible — but knowing about Kubota (which is our sole tractor supplier) it’s very believable.

    Today’s le déjeuner was enjoyable alfresco on our farmhouse patio. The rich sweet melon was perfectly balanced with the savory Iberian ham paired will chilled champeoise.

    The intoxicating smell of fresh baking sourdough in our kitchen was far more seductive than Chanel perfume.

    For Teresa’s facination — tonight’s planned fare is grilled Portabella mushroom and roasted fresh garden red-Italian-pepper with sliced beefsteak tomato and chèvre sandwiches with toasted sourdough.

    Unlike most of the dreary miserable frigid Canadian Winter — the beautiful Summer weather here in the Aconcagua Valley is pleasantly warm and comfortable. (Interesting factoid — the average Winter weather in Iceland is actually WARMER than Canada’s!)

    As I see the Canadian subterranean bitch still refuses to answer some key fundamental simple questions about her pathetic obvious lies — I simply ask WHY she continues to haunt this thread.

    Is it because Teresa is a masochistic WHORE?

    Perhaps she’s as Pugol perceived as a confused BITCH barking up the wrong tree?

    Or as Jack Bauer exposed Teresa's ridiculous perverted fetish about filthy toliet paper PROVING she’s a LIAR!

    (Of course THINK claimed that he has his hand up the sock puppet bitch’s slimy ass!)


    Feb 03rd, 2021 - 06:54 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “Jack Bauer exposed his ridiculous perverted fetish about filthy toliet paper PROVING he’s a LIAR!”
    Thank you for giving me an opportunity to show who the real liars are here. You're the gift that keeps on giving. As a demonstration of his and your lying.
    JB “The only reason for receptacles - in 'public' bathrooms - is to throw the bulkier paper hand-towels …“
    Whereas the source of “Where Do I Put my Toilet Paper?” Bathroom Bins

    Feb 03rd, 2021 - 09:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Estimado THINK and PUGOL-TTWH

    The sagacious Colonia Nervia Glevensium Oracle and the Dane-Chubutense on the Ligurian Riviera both far know more about coffee than certainly myself.

    I just learned recently how to spell my morning espresso and grew up with instant Nescaffe.

    I was not really appreciative of good coffee until ma mariée introduced really good brewed coffee in our tiny apartment in Valparaiso.

    That seems so long ago when we proudly drove a Lada sedan.

    My earlier experiences abroad convinced me that Americans truly drank “dirty socks” water, the Spaniards preferred their horrible Torrefacto blend and without a doubt — Italy has been the world standard.

    Today — the world has changed and you can actually brew decent coffee at home — but Pugol's sentiment is true.

    An associate in the grape business in Ica Peru shared with me the following — proving that although Peruvians have the finest ceviche and Pisco — they can be litigious bastards in court.

    Regarding the equally bizarre commentary: “Life for most of us is a little more exciting than revealing what we'll eat and watching avocados grow.”

    I’ll refrain discussing avocados and fine food for this post to remind Teresa of her earlier rants in about her imbibing of cheap vodka and her own piss.

    I remember then one notable MP contributor was appalled when Teresa actually boasted drinking her own uriniferous piddle — because her favorite philosopher Cicero recommended it. (Jack Bauer will confirm this.)

    As Pugol, Jack and my humble self have proven beyond doubt — Teresa is a confused masochistic bitch barking up the wrong tree with a ridiculous perverted fetish about filthy toliet paper proving she’s a LIAR!

    This early period before sunset here is really beautiful! I've decided a nice Merlot will be perfect for watching the twilight of this lovely day.

    Wishing everyone a very pleasant evening.


    Feb 03rd, 2021 - 10:37 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “for this post to remind him earlier rants in about him imbibing of cheap vodka...”
    Hmm, no proof, no truth, nor surprise, as you have never told the truth, as the following confirms.

    Feb 03rd, 2021 - 11:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    PUGOL-TTWH and Estimado THINK

    It perhaps sounds repetitive and boring to mention — but arising before dawn and making an espresso with the touch of a button and going outside on the farm patio to admire the dawn arising from behind the magnificent cordillera is a simple joy and privilege that I’m greatly blessed.

    What is obviously boring and repetitive is tolerating the incessant whining of a pathological liar.

    It’s also obvious it’s become repetitive and boring that I’ve thoroughly bitch-slapped the cheap vodka imbibed Teresa for most this commentary.

    Pugol also has destroyed the drunken whore — exposing her as a mendacious bitch.

    I see no more merit in continuation in this article and this is my final post here.

    I certainly hope Wednesday was as delightful and pleasant in Gloucester as well as the Ligurian Riviera as mine.


    Feb 04th, 2021 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “It’s also obvious it’s become repetitive and boring.” As you lie every time you post.
    I just like to keep the record straight, and show you as you really are. Truths a bitch for you, there's no way round it. So proof is every thing, otherwise your just flapping your yap.
    “The more you talk about it, rehash it, rethink it, cross analyze it, debate it, respond to it, get paranoid about it, compete with it, complain about it, immortalize it, cry over it, kick it, defame it, stalk it, gossip about it, pray over it, put it down or dissect its motives it continues to rot in your brain. It is dead. It is over. It is gone. It is done. It is time to bury it because it is smelling up your life and no one wants to be near your rotted corpse of memories and decaying attitude. Be the funeral director of your life and bury that thing!”

    Feb 04th, 2021 - 10:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    And the last words fron Shicuréo on this thread were...: “I Surrender”

    Don't be ashamed..., hermanito...
    Remember...: Soldado qué escapa sirve pá otra batalla...!
    (Not against an A.I. bot though..., years since I won a chess game against them damn new computers...:-(

    Feb 04th, 2021 - 02:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Not worth getting into a Tit for Tat with the fool, easier just to point out her lies then let her rant on.

    It is very noticeable that you ignoring her upsets her the most, woman scorned etc. I suppose.

    As for a farmer enjoying the sight of his crops growing, I can think of nothing more natural in the world, however Teresa FW has a serious problem with this.

    Not someone with a normal (or even close to normal) view on the world, even for a ten year old.

    Teresa FW
    So as “Silence is acquiescence”, your own words, you have never been to Brazil and your reports of Bags of Bumf, are entirely based you your trawling of the nether regions of the internet.

    As to “Fascists” “trumpery”, where is your evidence I have ever supported either???

    In your own words:

    “It's your burden to prove your claim”.

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    Oh and 20 + 59 = 79 √, is correct and true QED, you are wrong again, Idiot.

    Feb 04th, 2021 - 03:06 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator camp follower, perpetual loser.
    “easier just to point out his lies” You mean just like you haven't; it's your burden to prove not mine. No proof no truth, perpetual loser.
    “where is your evidence I have ever supported either” It's a matter of actus reus as your head has been up his ass from the moment you started posting here.
    “Oh and 20 + 59 =” All numbers added together have a sum, brilliant. It's preventing you and your ilk from moving the goal-posts.
    The issue raised, was that I could not possibly been involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
    Which is soundly defeated by “Picture of a Tankard, nothing else.” Except my name, squadron, and the date.

    Feb 04th, 2021 - 04:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Teresa FW

    So you don’t have any evidence to support your claim and revert to dog Latin to distract from the fact:

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    And what is the sum of 20 + 59 equal to, oh yes its 79, QED. Back of the net, goalpost fixed.

    Back to your picture of someone else’s tankard again. No proof, no truth, remember.

    Have you not been humiliated about this one enough already, put up a picture with a today's newspaper.

    “It's your burden to prove your claim”.


    Feb 05th, 2021 - 02:56 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator camp follower, perpetual loser.
    Oh what shame I get to show again what a lying bag of shite you really are.
    As already stated the image was posted March 17 2018. With my name, 18 Squadron RAF, March 1963, which reveals you as a liar, perpetual loser.

    Feb 06th, 2021 - 01:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Teresa FW

    You have proved nothing and you’re not fooling anyone that you have.

    Have you not been humiliated about this one enough already, put up a picture with a today's newspaper.

    “It's your burden to prove your claim”.

    “Your failure to meet your burden of proof” makes you an “inveterate liar”.

    A Fool and a Liar.

    Feb 06th, 2021 - 04:14 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Pugol, the ingratiator camp follower, perpetual loser.
    “You have proved nothing” Except I hold the Ace, thus I have the winning hand while you have nothing accept unsupported conjecture. No proof no truth.
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had great fall, perpetual loser.

    Feb 06th, 2021 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Obviously Teresa hasn't seen all the colorful Easter eggs I posted throughout Mercopress today!

    The current polar vertex freezing Canada to what must be intense misery makes me truly sad.

    I hope she has some very thick mittens!

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 01:38 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “The current polar vertex freezing Canada”
    How do you manage to live so long being so stupid?

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 03:33 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Beautiful delightful and vicious little Easter eggs have been left throughout MercoPress for Teresa to discover.

    Speaking of beautiful — the weather today at the farm is gorgeous — unlike the very unfortunate polar vortex turning Canada into a horrendous miserable deep freeze...

    Oh the sad bitter cold for the poor people!


    Feb 07th, 2021 - 03:28 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “polar vortex turning Canada into”
    Like I said, how do you manage to live so long being so stupid?

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 04:10 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    I imagine Teresa is thrilled to live inside an icecube and a PROVEN COWARD too frightened to confront the TRUTH as has been posted on numerous topics.

    Although the cheap vodka helps consoles her grief — she needs to seek help: www.canada/whore/

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    “I imagine” Thats you in totality, a little lost as to my location.
    So lets revisit your sources to show who and what you are, an alcoholic rube.
    “I've been surprisingly disproved as someone has been drinking way too much eggnog this evening and is behaving like a mean drunk on these joyous days.”
    “Early this morning, over a mug of Baileys and coffee, I was trying to remember last night's remarkable ... conversation”
    “brewed coffee with about a quarter of the mug with room temperature Balieys.
    Besides all the normal beverages — we still have plenty of Casillero del Diablo Cabernet
    Sauvignon ...'12 Viña Arboleda Carménère”
    “Sundown coming soon, 'n time for a bourbon.” Go on crawl back into your bottle you pathetic drunk.
    Chicureo “Although I've defended Pinochet despite his regrettable actions...I support nationalists that are willing to protect their nation ...Just giving the vote to women has resulted in our current nightmare.”

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 07:27 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH, Jack Bauer and Estimado THINK

    Proof positive the cockroach is to frightened to crawl out from it's dank filthy lair to defend herself in the light.

    There are several Mercopress readers that agree — Teresa is a bitter mendacious ignorant whore who’s insanely envious and jealous of my Chanel scented bedsheets — that constantly bitches about her wet soaked soiled filthy panties all twisted up in a knot. She’s too dimwitted to see 20 plus 59 equals 79 and cannot be denied. Teresa is an idiot.


    Feb 07th, 2021 - 08:28 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist
    Your irrefutable quotes, versus your unproven assertions? The quotes win every time, loser.

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH & Estimado THINK

    Jack Bauer private texted me that he laughed his ass off when he read about my recollection on the MP posts about Teresa imbibing her own urine for the health she professes...

    (I've made over 30 posts about Teresa drinking her urine.)

    Teresa can't deny her 2015 numerous posts boasting about this...

    The weather forecast for Canada looks especially from from for her...

    ...snow melt scheduled for April...

    It's a beautiful day here in the glorious country side with a clear blue sky...


    Feb 07th, 2021 - 09:25 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Chicureo Pervert, Psychological Transferee, Malignant Narcissist, Criminal Libeller, Alcoholic, Spam King, a wannabe genocidist, and misogynist

    Feb 07th, 2021 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Chicureo

    Pugol-TTWH & Estimado THINK

    As I mentioned — Jack Bauer private texted me that he laughed his ass off when he read about my recollection on the MP posts about Teresa imbibing her own urine for the health she professes...

    (I've made over 30 posts about Teresa drinking her urine.)

    The drunken mendacious whore — Teresa can't deny her 2015 numerous posts boasting about this...

    The weather forecast for Canada looks especially from from for her...

    ...snow melt scheduled for April...

    It's the end of a beautiful day here in the glorious country side and I've just opened a bottle of 15 year old 13⁰ Merlot for the sunset. (Unlike the 49⁰ cheap vodka Teresa guzzles.)


    Feb 07th, 2021 - 11:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -1

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