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Montevideo, September 8th 2024 - 08:10 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 10:29 UTC

    Argentina: Inflation in February reaches 13.2%, according to Indec

    Prices went up above inflation projections, Adorni said in a press conference. Retailers foresaw a catastrophe that did not happen, he added

    According to a report from Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Census (Indec) released Tuesday in Buenos Aires, the South American country's Consumer Price Index (CPI) went up 13.2% in February of 2024 for a yoy total of 276% amid notorious declines in industry, construction, and consumption.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 09:50 UTC

    Weather conditions improving for Panama Canal transit but still far from good

    The Panama Canal was run by Washington between 1914 and 1999

    Recent rains have led the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to announce an increase in the number of vessels through the interoceanic path from 24 to 27 each day, it was reported. Being the only waterway in the world that uses fresh water to link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the 80-kilometer Panamanian route carries 6% of the world's maritime trade.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 09:08 UTC

    Drug trafficking gangs: Brazil's PCC operating in Chile

    The PCC Chile branch is headed by Juan Bayron Nataly Santander, alias “Pelado”

    Following a confession from a Chilean prison inmate, it was determined that São Paulo's notorious First Capital Command (PCC) had expanded its operations, it was reported in Santiago. In addition, raids in correctional facilities in Brazil detected communications further corroborated the news since proof of communications between the two countries was detected.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 06:55 UTC

    New private port for grains trade along the Paraná

    Apparently the town of Timbues, some 50 km  north of the city of Rosario has been the place chosen for the private port with an investment of some US$ 550 million

    The administration of Argentine president Javier Milei announced last week plans for a US$550 million investment to build a new port in the Rosario region, the country's major grains and oilseeds hub.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 06:52 UTC

    Avian Flu in South Georgia Gentoo and King penguin colonies

    A colony of King penguins in South Georgia

    The government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands has reported that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has now been confirmed from 23 sites across South Georgia, including a colony of Gentoo and a colony of King penguins.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 06:40 UTC

    US for the sixth year running has been the world's main crude oil producer

    In 2023, U.S., Saudi Arabia and Russia were responsible for 40% (32.8 million bpd) of the world’s crude oil output, followed by Canada, Iraq and China. 

    The United States in 2023, for the sixth year running has been the world's main crude oil producer produced more crude oil than any other country in 2023, with an average output of 12.9 million bpd, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). 

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 06:19 UTC

    Brazil's massive goods foreign trade is in US dollars but there are incipient deals in Euros and Reais

    In 2023, the US dollar maintained its dominance in Brazilian goods exports, totaling US$ 325.5 billion (95.84% of the total), with an 1.8% increase compared to 2022

    Brazil's foreign trade in goods, some US$ 640bn annually is done mostly in US dollars, some 95%, but there are some inroads to other currencies such as the Euro and its own Brazilian Reais. These figure come from an annual report on trade operations’ currency statements compiled by Brazil’s Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (Secex-MDIC), and revealed last week.

  • Tuesday, March 12th 2024 - 21:42 UTC

    Venezuela blocks Argentine aircraft from its airspace in retaliation for cargo plane seizure

    In response to Argentina's actions, Venezuelan Foreign Minister criticized the “neo-Nazi government” of Argentina and accused it of piracy and robbery against Venezuela.

    Venezuela has announced the closure of its airspace to aircraft originating from or bound for Argentina, following the seizure of a cargo plane that was subsequently handed over to U.S. authorities. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil declared, “Venezuela exercises full sovereignty in its airspace,” vowing that “no aircraft” from Argentina will be permitted to fly over Venezuelan territory until compensation is provided for damages caused by the seizure.

  • Tuesday, March 12th 2024 - 20:14 UTC

    Henry's resignation as Haiti's PM announced

    Henry will be allowed to stay in Puerto Rico

    Ariel Henry has tendered his resignation as Haiti's prime minister, clearing the way for a transitional government to lead the country to new elections, which have not been held since 2016.

  • Tuesday, March 12th 2024 - 19:03 UTC

    Heavy storm leaves one dead, downs trees, and disrupts flights in Buenos Aires

    The SMN foresees more thunderstorms for the remainder of Tuesday and Wednesday

    The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) and parts of the metropolitan areas around it which together make up the so-called AMBA were hit by heavy rains on Tuesday morning- One person was found dead in the Lanús area, five blocks from the CABA limits as residents coped with an orange alert from the National Meteorological Service (SMN) warning of possible thunderstorms and occasional hail.