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Montevideo, September 7th 2024 - 23:28 UTC


  • Wednesday, June 24th 2009 - 04:00 UTC

    South American wines help overcome the global crisis

    Argentine, Chile, Brazil, Peru wines are rapidly displacing low and high priced competitors

    As the world grits its teeth and grabs another glass of something to chase the blues away, South American wine producers are watching exports bounce. International wine sales from places like Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Peru are up in the first quarter of 2009, and industry professionals are saying the crisis has been positive for them.

  • Tuesday, June 23rd 2009 - 07:57 UTC

    New soybean strain completes regulatory submission in Brazil

    According to the US corporation it’s “the first biotech insect-protected product in soybeans”.

    Monsanto announced Monday it has completed regulatory submission in Brazil for its insect-protected Roundup Ready 2 Yield(TM) soybeans. The stacked trait product provides both protection from feeding damage caused by lepidopteran insect pests (moths and butterflies) in Brazil and tolerance to Roundup(R) agricultural herbicides.

  • Monday, June 22nd 2009 - 12:20 UTC

    Agriculture showing more resilience to economic crisis

    FAO does not rule out episodes of extreme price volatility

    Because food is a basic necessity, the agriculture sector is showing more resilience to the global economic crisis than other industries. But the risks could increase if the economic downturn deepens, according to a new report by the OECD and FAO released this week.

  • Sunday, June 21st 2009 - 11:28 UTC

    FAO forecasts second-highest record cereals crop for 2009/10

    The cereals bumper crop had also facilitated replenishment of global reserves to pre-crisis levels.

    With the second-highest recorded cereals crop expected this year and stocks replenished, the world food supply looks less vulnerable to shocks than it was during last year’s food crisis, FAO said in its Food Outlook report published this month. But some potential dangers remain, it also noted.

  • Sunday, June 21st 2009 - 11:26 UTC

    Uruguayan farmers fearful of consolidation in meat sector

    The merger of two Brazilian giants could corner over 30% of abattoir capacity in Uruguay.

    The possible merger between the leading Brazilian meat groups, Marfrig and JBS Bertin could create the largest corporation in the world and among other things dominate over 30% of the Uruguayan cattle demand market.

  • Thursday, June 18th 2009 - 14:54 UTC

    Brazil invests 7.6 billion USD in family farming

    The plan is basically to promote food production

    The Brazilian government confirmed Wednesday that the fund to promote home farming and gardening will have at its disposal 7.6 billion US dollars. This represents a 525% increase since the administration of President Lula da Silva took office in 2003.

  • Wednesday, June 10th 2009 - 07:55 UTC

    Argentina will consume Uruguayan beef for bicentenary celebration

    Argentina will celebrate its bicentenary consuming Uruguayan beef forecasted the president of the powerful farmers’ association Argentine Rural Society, Hugo Biolcati. Production won’t be enough to cover Argentina’s demand next year, “either we bring per capita consumption down from 70 kilos to 50 kilos, or we import beef and it won’t be cheap”.

  • Sunday, June 7th 2009 - 19:16 UTC

    Chilean wine prices on sales to UK fall on average 31.2%

    The UK is Chile’s second most important bottled wine market

    Chilean bottled wine prices fell an average of 14.6% on the international market in April, while the quantity of bottled exports increased by 5.2%, according to a recent report by industry advocacy group Wines of Chile.

  • Thursday, June 4th 2009 - 15:07 UTC

    Buffaloes introduced in Cuba have become a threat for crops

    Cuban authorities believed the aggressive buffalo has advantages over common cattle.

    A herd of wild buffalo has become a nightmare for peasants in the western Cuban province of Pinar del Rio because the beasts are invading and devouring their crops of tobacco and vegetables, reports the Communist Party daily Granma.

  • Wednesday, June 3rd 2009 - 10:56 UTC

    Argentine meat packers move to ensure supply with feedlots

    Quickfood one of Argentina’s main abattoirs is considering setting up two huge feedlots to fatten cattle, each with 22.000 steers, making it one of the leading companies in the industry