Falklands’ news casting veteran Patrick Watts, known for his manning of the radio station during the Argentine invasion in April 1982, and an active promoter of the Islands worldwide, is on the shortlist for a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 29th Annual Commonwealth Sports Awards.
The swearing in ceremony for Falkland Islands Governor Designate, Nigel Haywood CVO has been announced for Saturday October 16 and will be followed by a parade and a reception at Government House.
Often described as the penguin capital of the world, the Falkland Islands will be undertaking a census of penguin breeding sites throughout the Islands. It will provide essential information on their breeding colonies to determine action for the future protection of the seabirds.
The Falkland Islands were represented at Britain’s Liberal Democrat party conference which was held in Liverpool from Saturday until Monday, (September 17/20). Since the fall of Labour, Britain is ruled by a Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition led by PM David Cameron and Deputy PM Nick Clegg.
It was one of the most poignant moments of the Falklands War when chauffeur Don Bonner drove Governor Rex Hunt and his wife Mavis from Government House to Stanley Airport, as occupying forces raised the Argentine flag and ousted the Queen’s representative from the Falklands.
The “belligerent” policy of Argentina towards the Falklands/Malvinas Islands has only harvested the antipathy of the young generations of the Islands born since the 1982 conflict said elected Member of the Legislative Assembly Roger Edwards
Falkland Oil & Gas Ltd and associate BHP Billiton have been granted by the Falkland Islands government an extension of Phase I of their northern Falkland licences and should be drilling one exploration well before 15 December 2011, according to a release from the FOGL. BHPB Petroleum (Falklands) is part of the larger Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton resources conglomerate.
A Spanish flagged trawler that operates in Falkland Islands waters and was heading to Montevideo to unload 700 tons of fish was denied “innocent pass” through Argentine waters and had to steam an additional 17 hours at a cost of 7,000 litres of fuel before it finally unloaded its cargo in the Uruguayan port.
FOGL, the oil and gas exploration company focused on its extensive licence areas to the South and East of the Falkland Islands, announces certain changes to its licence arrangements with the Falkland Islands Government.
The Falklands/Malvinas dispute between Argentina and the UK is having its effects on the (Spanish) Galician fleet in the Southwest Atlantic, where most of its vessels operating under the Falklands flag are continually being “harassed” by Argentine patrol vessels, reports El Faro de Vigo in an interview with Javier Touza, president of the Vigo Ship Owners cooperative.