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Falkland Islands

  • Saturday, May 10th 2014 - 07:30 UTC

    Falklands' Governor role increasingly moving away from an executive position

    The Governor has to focus more on the very specific roles which are awarded to him under the constitution: security and foreign relations.

    The role of the Governor has moved away from an executive position within the Falkland Islands according to Governor Colin Roberts, who only last week was inaugurated in the post. Speaking with Penguin News, the Foreign Office diplomat explained what he saw as his role, and how the position itself has changed over the decades.

  • Friday, May 9th 2014 - 06:33 UTC

    MSC certified products have risen 21% and represent 10.5% of world's wild-capture fisheries

    There are 221 certified fisheries in MSC program (including Falklands and South Georgia) and a further 106 in assessment

    In the framework of the Seafood Expo Global 2014 in Brussels, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) held its annual Global Commercial Network meeting, which showed an annual rise in MSC certified products of 21% to September 2013 and a fivefold increase in four years.

  • Friday, May 9th 2014 - 02:29 UTC

    UK disappointed with Uruguay's identification of Falklands as 'a latent threat'

    Ambassador Lyster-Binns “The UK is, and has always been, a good friend of Uruguay. We have strong and warm relations in different areas”

    The United Kingdom is disappointed with Uruguay's stance which identifies the Falklands/Malvinas Islands as 'a latent threat' and an element that negatively affects the South Atlantic as “as zone of peace and cooperation”. Ambassador Ben Lyster-Binns said he does not share the statement that the British Overseas Territory of the Falklands are a 'destabilizing element for the region'.

  • Friday, May 9th 2014 - 02:18 UTC

    Falklands' governor interview triggers immediate reaction from Argentina

    Timerman said he agreed with only one paragraph of the whole interview

    Falklands Island's' newly inaugurated governor Colin Roberts phone interview with a Buenos Aires media website released this week has had a great impact in Argentina and as it could be expected received an immediate reply from Hector Timerman's Foreign Affairs ministry, which undoubtedly read every line and every word of the transcript.

  • Wednesday, May 7th 2014 - 23:07 UTC

    Falkland Islands and Crimea the new cold war

    Dr. Ivanov says Cristina has chosen to acclaim President Putin’s action in Crimea, hoping in return support the Argentine Falklands' claim.

    In an article for Penguin News, distinguished political and scientific Bulgarian author Dr Lyubomir Ivanov (*) discusses the Crimean conflict and its parallel with the Falklands.The Argentine President Cristina Kirchner praised the recent Crimean status referendum as, “one of the famous referendums of self-determination.”

  • Wednesday, May 7th 2014 - 06:42 UTC

    Falklands and the 'darker side' of fishing: crewmen trying to 'jump ship'

    Fisheries head Barton said all vessels arriving to collect licenses undergo an inspection, which checks essential life saving appliances

    Fishing vessels licensed in the Falkland Islands all undergo safety inspections, Director of Natural Resources John Barton confirmed this week, when talking to Penguin News about standards applied to fishing vessels and the working conditions of the crew. He also assured that if a fisherman reports mistreatment an investigation will follow.

  • Wednesday, May 7th 2014 - 01:44 UTC

    Falklands: Slow start but sprint finish for 2014 squid fishery

    Up to now 187,500 tons of Illex have been caught in Falkland waters, making it the second best Illex catch after the bumper year of 1999.

    In the last 25 years, the squid fishery has been one of the major contributors to the economy of the Falkland Islands. It is unique in the world as about 80 per cent of the total annual catch is squid. Both Illex and Loligo squid have annual life cycles, with a new generation recruiting into the fishery every year

  • Monday, May 5th 2014 - 21:29 UTC

    Malvinas Islands British occupation a 'latent threat' for Uruguay's defense policy

    Minister Fernandez Huidobro, very close to Mujica and a supporter of Argentine foreign policy

    The Uruguayan government considers the British occupation of the Malvinas Islands as a 'latent threat' according to a work-paper with basic points of the country's defense policy and which is to be made public this week, some excerpts of which were advanced by the pro-government daily La Republica.

  • Saturday, May 3rd 2014 - 06:29 UTC

    Falkland Islander running for mayor of a Santa Cruz town

    James Lewis and his family came over from the Falklands when he was a year old  (Pic Clarin)

    A Falkland Islander, resident in Argentina is running for mayor of the city of Puerto Santa Cruz, in Patagonia's Santa Cruz province, which is the Kirchner's couple political turf. James Lewis is backing Eduardo Costa from the opposition Radical party, the current mayor of the small town of 3.500 people, who next year is confident can become the province's next governor.

  • Thursday, May 1st 2014 - 06:45 UTC

    Malvinas issue should be addressed at UN General Assembly suggest Argentine lawmakers

    Senator Ruben Giustiniani, forget C24

    Members from the opposition addressed a letter to President Cristina Fernandez recommending that in the coming UN General Assembly Argentina presents a resolution-draft calling for the Falklands/Malvinas Islands sovereignty claim to be discussed in the assembly and not at the Decolonization Committee or C24.