The impact of COVID-19 on the seafood market and industry operations has been severe, confirmed fishing industry executives and a spokesperson for the Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association (FIFCA).
The Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association, FIFCA, Secretary James Bates said the sector faced difficulties and increased costs in the logistical and operational areas of the fishing businesses.
Hard times ahead for fisheries exports. According to a paper circulated among members of Argentina's different fish industry chambers foreign market prospects are not encouraging since the main markets, Spain, Italy, China and the United States, are suffering the greatest impact from the coronavirus pandemic.
The Marine Farm company notified Chile's National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service, SERNAPESCSA of massive mortality of fish of the Atlantic salmon species. The event took place at the Mellimoyu center (110899), located at ACS 34 in the Aysén region.
Argentine jiggers will begin operating north of parallel 44o on April first, following on a decision from the Fisheries Under Secretariat chief, Carlos Liberman. The Fisheries Federal Council is impeded of meeting because of the coronavirus pandemic rules imposed in Argentina. Anyhow the decision was taken based on a report from the Inidep research institute.
Argentina is going to strengthen control over its EEZ, to protect resources, and quite soon the recently acquired “ARA Bouchard” will be setting sail for its first patrolling, according to Argentine fisheries and navy officials.
UK Deputy Foreign Secretary for Europe and the Americas Wendy Morton held on Monday several meetings in Buenos Aires with officials from the new Argentine government looking to strengthen bilateral ties as well as boosting trade and investment.
The Falkland Islands are expecting some 105 jiggers to take the Illex licenses, which is a “normal” number for the season while preliminary results anticipate an abundant catch. “The usual” 105 jiggers plus one trawler has accepted the Illex license offers, confirmed earlier in the week Director of Natural Resources Dr Andrea Clausen.
The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) and the Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association (FIFCA) have agreed an Accord to underpin the future of the industry. The Accord acknowledges that the Falkland Islands has a strong commitment to quality, sustainability and the environment.
The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) announced on Thursday it has selected a development partner to design and build a new port in Stanley Harbour. After an extensive global procurement process, FIG is pleased to announce that it has agreed to BAM Nuttall Ltd as its development partner, subject to successful conclusion of contract. The aim is for the contract to be agreed and signed by the end of March 2020.