The US Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Thursday the onset of El Niño, a weather phenomenon characterized by a warming of the surface of the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean that occurs every 2 to 7 years, which can increase the risk of heavy rains and droughts in some parts of the world and lead to record temperatures.
German Labour Minister Hubertus Heil and Brazilian Labour Minister Luiz Marinho signed a declaration of intent for fair immigration to promote the exchange of skilled workers.
Immigration that fills gaps in the domestic jobs market can help push down UK inflation, the deputy head of the International Monetary Fund has said. However British prime minister Rishi Sunak has insisted rates of legal immigration are too high
OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development anticipated the UK will experience the highest level of inflation among all advanced economies this year. UK is set to report a headline inflation of 6.9% this year, above the OECD average of 6.6% for 2023.
Sweden's Supreme Court on Wednesday approved the extradition of a supporter of the Kurdish Workers Party, (PKK) to Turkey. The decision clears the way for the government in Stockholm to meet Turkey's demand that it hand over several individuals it considers terrorists as a prerequisite for approval of Sweden's request to become a member of NATO military alliance.
Diplomats from around the globe are meeting in the German city of Bonn this week to level out plans that are key to global efforts to stop the planet heating and to adapt to violent weather conditions.
Ahead of July's EU summit with Latin American and Caribbean leaders in July, the first since 2015, the European Commission has unveiled a trade-oriented strategy to renew ties with a region that has been somewhat sidelined by the bloc in a chaotic few years in global politics. Approving the trade agreement with Mercosur is one of EU's priorities but there is French conditioning.
Thanks to Uruguay's ”solid fiscal performance that allowed it to absorb the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, added to the track record of compliance with the fiscal framework, which has improved its credibility, increased resilience to economic shocks and reduced the risk of a potential increase in the stock of public debt.
Argentine star Lionel Messi will continue his professional footballing career in the United States, playing for Inter Miami, it was announced Wednesday.
The powerful lobby Confederation of British Industry, CBI has won a key confidence vote over its future after members overwhelmingly backed the lobby group following a series of scandals.