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Montevideo, September 20th 2024 - 14:26 UTC

Latin America

  • Tuesday, November 19th 2013 - 07:34 UTC

    The Lady, without mourning, is back to run the show: “Hi, how are all of you?”

    Cristina Fernandez holding the pup Simon, a gift from Hugo Chavez brother Adan and next to a giant penguin sent by a well wisher

    Argentine President Cristina Fernandez reappeared Monday in a video for the first time since the October 8 cranium surgery to remove blood clots. Very much in control of the situation and specially impressive for the occasion the Argentine leader reopened her Twitter and with a first message in 45 days that said: “Hi, how are all of you?”

  • Tuesday, November 19th 2013 - 07:22 UTC

    Cristina Fernandez reshuffles cabinet and names new economic team

    Capitanich, cabinet chief and Kicillof, Economy minister

    The administration of Argentine President Cristina Fernández announced on Monday a major cabinet reshuffle naming Chaco governor Jorge Capitanich as new cabinet chief and Axel Kicillof Economy minister while the Central bank will have a new president, Carlos Fabrega.

  • Monday, November 18th 2013 - 22:06 UTC

    Chilean leaders of the massive student protests elected to Congress

    Miss Vallejo the most emblematic face that rocked the government of President Piñera

    Vallejo's victory and those of independent candidates Giorgio Jackson and Gabriel Boric and fellow communist Karol Cariola, former comrade-in-arms in the student movement, who also gained seats in Chile's lower house on Sunday is significant for presidential front-runner Michelle Bachelet's bid to have her Nueva Mayoria coalition gain a stronger foothold in both houses of Congress.

  • Monday, November 18th 2013 - 18:33 UTC

    Astori forecasts Uruguay's inflation in the range of 3 to 7% in the next two years

    Uruguay's Vice-president argues that the current foreign exchange policy has helped contain the impact of volatility

    Vice-president Danilo Astori confirmed that Uruguay will continue with its current flexible foreign exchange policy, because “this has helped us reduce volatilities”, but also admitted concern about inflation, the third highest in South America and fourth in Latin-American and the Caribbean.

  • Monday, November 18th 2013 - 17:51 UTC

    Two ladies in the runoff for Chile's presidency, but Pinochet's legacy is still around

    Michelle should be the winner, but does she have the negotiating capacity to have the pledged reforms approved

    Two ladies and daughters of Air Force generals (but from opposite sides) will be disputing the run off on 15 December when the next Chilean president will be elected. Given the fact that on last Sunday's first round Socialist Michelle Bachelet was only three points short of a majority, and over twenty points ahead of conservative Evelyn Matthei there should be no doubts about who will be inaugurated at La Moneda next March 2014.

  • Monday, November 18th 2013 - 06:00 UTC

    Chile election: Bachelet and Matthei go to second round

    Left-wing candidate Michelle Bachelet has won the first round of voting in Chile's presidential election.She took 47% of the votes, against 25% for her main rival, Evelyn Matthei, a former Labour minister in the centre-right government of Sebastian Pinera. A second round of voting will take place on 15 December.

  • Saturday, November 16th 2013 - 07:25 UTC

    Next Tuesday Venezuelan president Maduro will begin governing by decree

    Maduro pledged deep discounts in the prices of toys, cars and clothing once he has the “enabling powers”

    Venezuela's legislature gave initial backing this week to a measure granting extraordinary powers over the economy to President Nicolas Maduro, which means next Tuesday, when the second vote, he will be able to govern by decree without having to seek parliamentary approval.

  • Saturday, November 16th 2013 - 06:54 UTC

    Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon increased by a third over the past year

    However Minister Texeira said the overall trend was 'positive'

    Deforestation in the Amazon increased by nearly a third over the past year, according to Brazilian government figures released this week, confirming a feared reversal in what had been steady progress over the past decade against destruction of the world's largest rainforest.

  • Friday, November 15th 2013 - 16:27 UTC

    The anonymous millions of dollars spent in Chilean campaign donations

    How much will Sunday's presidential campaign have cost?

    It will come as no surprise to Chileans that some of the country’s biggest companies — and richest families — have donated millions of dollars to presidential and parliamentary campaigns this election season. However, until an investigative report was published last week, people were only able to speculate on the matter, as a law passed in 2003 allows donors and donations to remain completely anonymous.

  • Thursday, November 14th 2013 - 19:58 UTC

    UK becomes observer of the Pacific Alliance, announces Chilean foreign minister

    Minister Moreno advanced the news to the UK during a recent visit to Europe

    Chilean Foreign Affairs Minister Alfredo Moreno has said that the UK has been granted Observer Status of the Pacific Alliance. The announcement was made by Moreno during his recent visit to Europe. The Pacific Alliance is made up of Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico and is consolidating as the fastest growing group in the region.