The Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly is pleased to welcome a delegation of UK Members of Parliament (MPs) who are visiting the Islands this week following invitation by Members of the Legislative Assembly to strengthen ties, engage with the community, and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of Falklands’ part in the British Family, and the right to the self-determination of our people.
Falkland Islands residents have been made aware of the predicted strong gusting winds that are forecast for 12/13 February, and the possible damage to their residences.
Last Saturday, military personnel from across BFSAI took part in a Gurkha Doko challenge in memory of those who liberated the Falkland Islands. The sixteen participants ran a combined total of 40km, the distance from Mount Pleasant Complex to the Gurkha Memorial near Stanley, carrying a weighted doko basket.
This week the Falkland Islands and Mount Pleasant Complex bid farewell to the outgoing Commander of British Forces South Atlantic Islands, BFSAI, Jonathan Lett, who has been on the job since November 2020, and welcomed Brigadier Dan Duff, British Army.
Last week saw the first face-to-face AGM of the Falkland Islands Association since the pandemic began in 2020. It was held at the Abbey Centre in Westminster. About fifty members were present in person. But another fifty took part - some of them from the Falklands – via Zoom. This was a major improvement on earlier AGMs when decisions could be taken only by those actually present. All future AGMs will be done this way.
With the presence of Falkland Islands elected members of the Legislative Assembly, top officials from the government, and representatives from BFSAI, Governor Alison Blake CMG proceed to proclaim the new sovereign, His Majesty Charles III.
The visiting Argentine reporter Hugo Alconada Mon who is in the Falkland Islands reporting for the Buenos Aires daily La Nacion, on the 40th anniversary of the April 2nd Argentine military invasion and occupation of the Falklands, has included in his round of interviews, British Forces South Atlantic Islands Commander, Jonathan Lett.
Following the request for tenders from local and international companies, the Falkland Islands Government (FIG) and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) confirmed that on Wednesday 17 November 2021 the Falkland Islands Company (FIC) successfully signed a joint venture housing contract.
Following the success of the initial Tourism Recovery Incentive Program – or ‘TRIP’ – which was designed to support tourism-related businesses and stimulate economic growth across the Islands during 2020/21, the Falklands Islands government announced that the scheme will run again this year.
The United Kingdom confirmed that it will maintain a military presence in the Falkland Islands, whose sovereignty is claimed by Argentina, to “protect it from state and non-state threats,” according to an advance of the strategic review of security, defense and foreign policy that prime minister Boris Johnson will present this Tuesday, the first after the departure of the European bloc.