Chile's first Mayors Climate Change Forum, a local government-led initiative focused on cities, local territories and climate change took place in late November with the support of the British Embassy in Santiago.
The British Embassy joined the Chilean British Chamber of Commerce and Plan CREO from the city of Antofagasta to host the Seminar “Antofagasta: City, Mining and Sustainability, Where are we headed?” which took place last week at the National Library of the city.
Twenty six British universities participated in Santiago de Chile at the Education UK Exhibition for postgraduate studies organized by the British Council in conjunction with the Embassy in Chile.
The British and German embassies in Santiago hosted the first UK-Germany Climate Change Diplomacy Day. The joint initiative was organised to increase the awareness of the importance of climate change as it is a critical issue for both countries.
The British Ambassador to Chile, Fiona Clouder, hosted a reception for the launch of the Oxford University Alumni Society. The event held at the British residence in Santiago was attended by current and former Oxford students, professors as well as other professionals interested in supporting the Society.
The British Embassy in Chile together with the Metropolitan Public Transportation Department (DTPM) and the consultant company Sistemas Sustentables Ltd., Chile hosted the workshop ‘Improving bus technology within the public transport system of Santiago’.
Chilean Foreign Affairs Minister Alfredo Moreno has said that the UK has been granted Observer Status of the Pacific Alliance. The announcement was made by Moreno during his recent visit to Europe. The Pacific Alliance is made up of Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico and is consolidating as the fastest growing group in the region.