Boris Johnson's government plans to reclaim control over British fisheries with a law allowing the U.K. to decide who can fish in its waters and on what terms. The legislation to be published this week will end current automatic rights for European Union vessels to fish in British waters, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said in an emailed statement.
Argentina’s latest government’s decisions on squid fishing show that the country’s fisheries policy is inconsistent and unsustainable, according to the president of Assistance Food Argentina SA and director of Assistance Food America Inc., Dr. Cesar Augusto Lerena.
Tuesday’s vote by the European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee to amend CFP reforms have been greeted with enthusiasm by a number of environmental NGOs including ClientEarth, Greenpeace, WWF, the Pew Foundation and OCEAN 2012.
European ministers have approved the catching of millions more tons of fish than scientists have advised over the past nine years, a report has shown. Fisheries ministers, who meet annually to decide quotas for stocks across Europe, have only strictly followed scientific advice on fisheries in 13% of their decisions, the report by World Wildlife Fund, found.
Members of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) were warned by EU Commissioner for Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, that she is not willing to hand over any of the objectives in the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which is currently being negotiated.
An overwhelming majority of EU citizens want the fish they buy to come from sources that are sustainable and not over-fished, according to an independent poll commissioned by World Wildlife Fund, WWF, and carried out in 14 EU countries.