Argentina's cooking gas company Integración Energética Argentina S.A. (formerly Enarsa) has asked Bolivia's Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) for an extension to pay up the bills for the past two months plus interests due since 2007, it was reported.
Argentina' Energy company, Enarsa, in association with Venezuela's PDVSA, allegedly has detected very positive natural gas deposits off the Patagonia coast, which according to reports in the Buenos Aires press could be equivalent a third of the country's reserves.
As part of its “Malvinas noose tightening” policy the Argentine government is planning an international tender to offer licenses to explore for oil near the Falkland Islands, reports Buenos Aires main daily Clarin in its Monday edition, citing a letter to Congress by Cabinet chief Juan Manuel Abal Median.
Argentina could import 66 liquefied natural gas cargoes in 2011 triple the amount it purchased last year, according to data from state energy company Enarsa.
The governor of hydrocarbon-rich Neuquen Province wants to convince Argentina's government it can get all the natural gas it needs from Neuquen and doesn't need to spend billions to import the fuel from Qatar.
Qatar’s leading corporation Qatargas has signed an agreement with Argentina’s government owned oil and gas company, ENARSA for the long-term supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG).