Exports of Peruvian manufacturers during the year 2021 have surpassed pre COVID-19 pandemic levels, it was reported Wednesday by the Institute of Economic and Social Studies (IEES) of the National Society of Industries (SNI).
Brazilian farmed fish exports totaled 9,900 tons last year, 49% more than in 2020, according to Embrapa data in partnership with the Brazilian Fish Farming Association (PeixeBR). Revenue from shipments increased 78% to US$20.7 million.
Uruguay's exports grew 31% in January of 2022 when compared to the same month last year, it was announced Tuesday in Montevideo. Beef topped the list of products sold abroad, reaching US$ 207 million.
The year 2021 closed for Paraguay with a trade surplus of US $ 941 million, according to the Advance Foreign Trade Report (RCE) for December 2021, published by the Undersecretary of State for the Economy (SSEE) of the Finance Ministry.
The president of the Venezuelan Association of Exporters (AVEX) Ramón Goyo Wednesday announced a 30% increase in sales abroad compared to 2020 figures, which has allowed producers to make up for a sharp decrease in domestic consumption.
Peru's President Pedro Castillo Thursday highlighted China's importance as a strategic Asia-Pacific partner in terms of foreign trade and investments.
Argentine Minister of Productive Development Matías Kulfas Sunday admitted the administration of President Alberto Fernández plans to both ban exports of the beef cuts most coveted by local consumers and freeze domestic prices until late this year.
The Argentine Customs Bureau (DGA) has set new criteria for the selection of potential cases of under-invoicing. The new controls will be carried out once the goods have been released to leave the country, it was announced.
A study released Wednesday by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Embrapa) of the national Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply showed the country was the world's fourth-largest grain producers in the world, it was announced.
A report released Tuesday showed that Argentina's trade with neighbour Brazil has reached its highest level since 2018, exports reaching US $ 4.2 billion until May, 33% better than in the first five months of last year, but 6% lower than the same period of 2019.