Brazil’s Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) held a live debate via Instagram on March 27 to assess the impact the coronavirus has had on exports.
Olive oil producers in Uruguay enjoyed a record-setting harvest in 2019, according to a new report compiled by Uruguay’s Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries. In effect Uruguay produced 2,775 tons of extra virgin olive oil, according to the report, an increase of more than 360% over the rolling five-year average.
Argentina farmers increased the forward selling of soybeans in the last four months of 2019 in an effort to avoid higher export taxes that are now in effect, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Chile's gross domestic product grew 3.3 percent in the third quarter of 2019 compared with a year earlier, the central bank said on Monday. The market had predicted relatively strong growth during the July through September period, citing improving prospects for the country's all-important mining industry.
South Korea’s trade ministry said on Monday it plans to hold the fourth round of trade talks with Mercosur as Seoul aims to expand its trade network with emerging countries and revitalize its ailing exports.
The Central Bank of Uruguay (BCU) released the report of the country's quarterly economic situation, which reports that the Uruguayan economy grew by only 0.1% year-on-year and 0.3% in the second quarter of the year, compared to the first three months of the year, when it registered a 0.1% drop.
The Brazilian Amazon is facing its worst spate of forest fires since 2010, with news of the destruction of the world's largest rainforest last month prompting global outcry and worries that it could hurt demand for the country's exports.
Argentina's fish, seafood and sea shell landings increased 8.8% during the first six months of the year compared to the same period in 2018. Exports, on the other hand, slid 0.3% as did income generated, 2.9%, according to the latest release from the country's Fisheries Under Secretariat.
The US economy grew much faster than expected in the first quarter of the year, helped by a jump in exports and by firms building up stocks of goods. The economy expanded at an annualized pace of 3.2% in the January-to-March period, well above analysts' forecasts.
Automobile production in Brazil fell 0.6% in the first quarter of 2019 compared to the same period last year, the national automakers’ association said on Thursday, as an economic crisis in Argentina continued to weigh on output.