Chile posted a trade surplus of US$ 904 million in August, the central bank said on Monday, with a drop in levels versus a year earlier of both exports and imports for the month.
Brazil expressed its disenchantment with the Argentine policy of delaying the approval of the so-called nonautomatic import licenses which has seen millions of dollars in sales held at the border. This situation has been increasing in recent months, in what is considered a breach of bilateral accords in the framework of Mercosur agreements, and the World Trade Organization, WTO, rules.
The Paraguayan Chamber of Cereals and Oilseed exporters and traders, Capeco reported that the country's exports fell by 42.2% in July, with 267,949 tons, compared to 464,005 tons shipped in the previous month. This represents a drop of about 196,056 tons month-on-month.
Data released on Monday by Brazil' Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) indicates that corn exports reached 2 million tons in the first week of August and exceeded soybean shipments in this period.
Brazilian beef exports including fresh and processed products reached a monthly record of 194,093 tons during July, up 17% from the same month a year ago, according to the Brazilian Slaughterhouse Association (Abrafrigo).
China's soya bean imports in June from top supplier Brazil soared to a record high, according to customs data released on Sunday, driven by growing demand for soya beans as China's pig herd recovers after deadly outbreaks of African swine fever.
Due to the Paraná river drought, which affected Argentina’s soy oil-exporting capacity, Cattalini Terminais Marítimos, which handles almost 70% of Brazil’s soy oil exports through its facilities in the port of Paranaguá, predicts a 25% increase in shipments this year.
Last month, Brazilian exports totaled US$17.94 billion and imports, US$13.392 billion, which generated a trade surplus of US$4.548 billion. On the export side, there was a 4.2% decline in the daily export average from US$936.02 million in May 2019, to US$896.98 million in May 2020. In relation to imports, there was a 1.6% decline in the daily average over the same comparison period, from US$680.37 million to US$669.58 million.
Data released on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec) of Argentina showed that its foreign trade with other countries fell 17.6% in March, compared to year-ago. The trade flow reached US$7.49 billion, in the third month of the year.
Market reports suggest that Argentine beef shipments to the European Union have reduced to almost zero amid the global coronavirus pandemic. Sales to China, the main buyer, have dropped below 2019 levels.