The Argentine embassy met with officials from the Uruguayan Rural Association, ARU, to express their disappointment since the Falkland Islands have a stand at the Great Britain pavilion in the Prado agro-industry show in Montevideo, according to a report from Television Nacional, which belongs to the Uruguayan government media complex.
The current focus of the Falkland Islands Tourist Board's digital marketing strategy is social media marketing using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, confirmed Executive Director Stephanie Middleton. The Board has turned to the popular sites in order to raise awareness of the Falklands and in turn increase the number of visitors in the new website.
Visitor expenditure in the Falklands increased from both land-based tourists and cruise passengers last season. With all the figures from Immigration now in, and the cruise and air surveys analysed, the Tourist Board has a good picture of how last season performed they told Penguin News.
The Falkland Islands government, FIG, has announced that as from the 1st July 2018, the landing fee for tourists arriving in Stanley shall increase from £21 to £25. The fee for those arriving into other destinations in the Islands shall remain at £7.50.
The Falkland Islands cruise season came to a close last month with 55,633 passenger arrivals visiting the Islands, only slightly fewer than the 56,476 who visited the previous season, reports this week's edition of Penguin News.
Falkland Islands Tourist Board chairman Mike Rendell and Interim CEO Steph Middleton welcomed a large group of interested parties to the Chamber of Commerce last week for an informal end of tourist season ‘washup.’ Topics raised ranged from perennial issues such as easy access to the Totem Pole for tourists, to newer developments such as what to do with the new jetty.
The Falkland Islands Tourist Board (FITB) launched its new website earlier this week. Acting CEO of FITB Stephanie Middleton said: ”We are delighted to finally launch this site. It is driven by a detailed database of accommodation, restaurants, shops, attractions and events, which allows us to make changes and keep it fresh on a regular basis.