Leaders of an Argentine indigenous community together with Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Perez Esquivel met on Monday with Pope Francis and requested he intercedes before Argentine president Cristina Fernandez so that she receives a delegation from the Qom community.
Northern Argentina Qom indigenous community leaders this week held a formal meeting with Supreme Court justices and Formosa government officials. After the hearing, the community leader Félix Díaz requested President Cristina Fernández support in a controversy over land property they have with the provincial authorities in Formosa.
Argentine police are investigating a second murder of a member of the Qom indigenous community in less than a week, after a 16-year old died in a Formosa hospital on Thursday after suffering for four days.
Another Argentine province, Formosa announced that it would be repaying in Pesos its dollar-denominated bonds (FORM3) issued under local law, at an exchange rate of 4.81 Pesos per dollar.