Right-wing President-elect Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday he plans to tackle the overhaul of Brazil's fiscally burdensome pension system with piecemeal reforms that can pass Congress, starting with an increase in the minimum age of retirement. He said reforms should start with the public social security system and advance gradually to make sure they pass Congress.
The Brazilian corruption probe known as Operation Carwash (Lava Jato) has placed three out of five living former presidents of Brazil as defendants. Michel Temer, the current president, and José Sarney so far have been only arraigned.
Brazil’s exiting President Michel Temer signed into law a 16% pay raise for Supreme Court justices on Monday, disregarding a request from his President-elect Jair Bolsonaro that he veto the bill to avoid increasing next year’s budget deficit.
Chile and Brazil signed a free trade agreement on Wednesday that scraps red tape and tariffs between the two South American economies, in a move both governments said would give a boost to regional integration.
Brazil’s right-wing President-elect Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday that Congress must make some progress this year on a pension reform proposed by the outgoing government before he takes office on January first.
Brazil's federal police filed new charges against President Michel Temer on Tuesday, recommending he be put on trial for corruption, money laundering and criminal association for allegedly taking bribes to favor port management companies. The investigation report was filed to the country's top court.
Behind Brazil's polarized presidential election, and unpredictable result, the business class in Latin America's largest economy looking for clear signals of what can be expected as of 2019 either from the former army captain Jair Bolsonaro or from economist Fernando Haddad, handpicked by Lula da Silva as his successor. Hopefully not a choice between “awful” and “extremely awful”
Brazil has been clawing itself out from the worst recession in its history, but that hasn’t stopped President Michel Temer from touting the country to investors. Temer and his entourage told United States business leaders at an event leading up to the United Nations General Assembly that the country is open for business.
Heavily armed men blew down the front gate of a maximum security prison in northeastern Brazil early Monday and with guns blazing, enabled more than 100 inmates to escape while killing a policeman, authorities said.
The Brazilian government may restrict entrance of Venezuelans at the border in the remote northwestern state of Roraima, President Michel Temer said on Wednesday, after a flood of migrants has strained local services and sparked violence with residents.