The credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s upgraded on Monday Uruguay’s rating by one notch to BB-plus, only one notch below investment grade, praising years of “prudent and consistent” economic policies in the country.
Colombia’s credit rating was raised to investment grade by Moody’s Investors Service, matching a move by Standard & Poor’s two months earlier, as economic growth accelerates and the threat posed by guerrilla groups and organized crime recedes.
Italy’s Treasury said it will “intensify” structural changes in the economy and push ahead with measures to balance the budget by 2014 after Standard & Poor’s said its debt rating is at risk of a downgrade.
Standard and Poor's cut Greece's credit rating further into junk territory, reflecting growing doubts that the Euro zone's most fragile economy can manage its debt without imposing losses on private bondholders.
The Uruguayan economy continues to expand strongly having advanced 2.3% in the second quarter over the first quarter and 10.4% compared to a year ago and 9.8% over the fist half of 2009, according to the latest release from the Central Bank.
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services raised its long-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Uruguay to BB from BB- with a stable outlook thanks to the country's track record of sustained economic growth.
Eight banks are facing a US investigation into the rating of their mortgage products, the BBC understands. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is looking at whether the relationship between the banks and credit rating agencies was manipulated to gain better ratings for risky securities.
Spain’s economy emerged from an almost two-year recession in the first quarter, trailing the Euro area by six months. GDP expanded 0.1% in the first three months of 2010, the Madrid-based Bank of Spain estimated in its monthly report today.
A default by Greece on its debt obligations is not and has never been an option, a spokeswoman for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Thursday. A Greek “default is not on the table, has not been on the table” insisted IMF director of external relations Caroline Atkinson.
Banks in the United Kingdom and Europe risk their credit ratings being damaged because of “contagion” from Greece's debt crisis, a ratings agency has warned. Moody's said banking systems faced “very real, common threats” if doubts were raised about their governments' abilities to pay debts. It referred specifically to UK, Irish, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish banking systems.