The impact of Brexit on the Falkland Islands' fishing industry could be “significant” according to the fishing industry, contradicting lawmaker MLA Roger Spink’s view in last week's Penguin News that there were measures that could be undertaken to mitigate the impact of potential tariffs.
A delegation from the Falklands attended the UK Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council this week. This is the 20th meeting of the Leaders and Representatives from the UK Overseas Territories and Ministers of Her Majesty’s Government.
Students from the UK Overseas Territories are being invited to submit minute-long videos about their territory and its ‘Identity’ as part of an event to be hosted at the Natural History Museum in London in November 2018. This will be the third event of its kind organised by the UK Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA), after events in late 2015 and 2017 hosted at University College London and the London Maritime Museum respectively.
Ministers and senior officials from UK Overseas Territories (OTs) and Crown Dependencies (CDs) travelled to the Isle of Man last week to discuss the future of the environment in their jurisdictions. This was the third Council of Environment Ministers of UK Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies and took place in Douglas, on 6th and 7th February. Previous meetings took place in Gibraltar in 2015 and continued in Alderney in 2017.
The consequences of the UK leaving the European Union on environmental funding of UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) which includes the Falklands, was the subject of a meeting in Aldernay between representatives of 11 territories last week.