As long as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to recede and there are no further new strain surprises, this coming 2021/22 season, the port of Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego province is scheduled to receive some 68 tourism vessels and 488 calls.
Monday mid-afternoon Argentine air force fighter planes overflew Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego province capital and the Beagle Channel, as part of training exercises in Patagonia and which are expected to continue for the next two days. The Fighting Hawk McDonald Douglas A-4R jets are based in Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz province.
The Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego will be voting a bill on Wednesday to ban salmon farming in the waters of the extreme south territory, according to reports in the Ushuaia media.
Argentine scientists from the Austral Scientific Research Center (CADIC) in Ushuaia announced they have revealed the subsistence mystery of the striated Caracara prey bird, carancho austral, in the Isla de los Estados (*), during the winter months, which remained unknown until now.
Argentina is rejoicing because Germany's flag carrier Lufthansa formally requested the Civil Aviation National Administration and the Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands provincial government over flight and landing authorization for two charter flights to the Malvinas Islands from Hamburg.
At the extreme end of Argentina in a city known as “The End of the World,” many thought they might be spared from the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. Sitting far from Buenos Aires, health workers in Ushuaia were initially able to contain a small outbreak among foreigners hoping to catch boats to the Antarctic at the start of the crisis.
According to reports in the Argentine media next November the Australian flagged icebreaker Aurora Australis will be docking in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, and then head for Buenos Aires where, allegedly, she will be incorporated to the Argentine navy fleet and will be participating next to ARA Almirante Irizar in the 2020/21 Antarctica campaign.
Planning and first budget funds for an Argentine integrated naval base and an Antarctic Logistic Pole in Ushuaia have been announced by the Argentine Executive cabinet chief Santiago Cafiero, during a presentation to the Lower House of Congress.
Argentina is trying to solve a medical mystery after 57 sailors were infected with COVID-19 after 35 days at sea, despite the entire crew testing negative before leaving port. The Echizen Maru fishing trawler returned to port after some of its crew members began exhibiting symptoms typical of Covid-19, the health ministry from Tierra del Fuego province said on Monday.
An Argentine federal judge lifted precautionary measures impeding the access and docking at Mar del Plata port of a cruise vessel with 37 crewmembers which were originally believed to include some positive cases of COVID-19.