Tierra del Fuego tourism industry praised the Argentine government's decisions to end the dollar clamp and make more transparent the foreign money exchange because this will make the country, and Tierra del Fuego, highly competitive internationally. However they also cautioned that consideration must be given to domestic and regional tourists which make up almost 45% of the number of the people visiting the extreme south of Argentina.
The 2015/16 cruise season has taken off in Argentine Tierra del Fuego with the arrival on Monday, of 'Ushuaia' and 90 passengers, one of the 331 calls which are estimated according to Ushuaia authorities. Gianfranco Guardamagna head of the Tierra del Fuego Tourism Institute recalled the significance of the cruise industry for Ushuaia, since the austral city commands 95% of all international Antarctic tourism.
U.S. actor Leonardo Di Caprio is in far southern Argentina to shoot the final scenes of The Revenant, directed by Mexican Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, the recent winner of the Oscar for Best Picture for Birdman.
A group of lawmakers from six Latin American countries and Argentine officials met in Ushuaia in support of Argentine 'legitimate sovereignty rights over Malvinas, Georgia and South Sandwich Islands', in the framework of UN General Assembly Resolution 2065 fiftieth anniversary celebration, which called on the United Kingdom and Argentina to reach a peaceful negotiated solution over the Falklands/Malvinas dispute through bilateral discussions.
For the first time a man born in the Falkland Islands, will be voting in the coming Argentine elections, according to reports in the Buenos Aires media. The man is Alejandro Betts, 58, who received his Argentine ID at a ceremony in the Argentine embassy before United Nations, and will thus be eligible to cast a ballot in the coming Tierra del Fuego provincial and municipal elections.
Ushuaia in the extreme south of Argentina expects sixteen additional calls for the next cruise season 2015/16, according to Tierra del Fuego province ports authority, which together with other representatives attended the recent Seatrade Cruise international fair held in Miami. This includes vessels from the Norwegian Cruise Line, as well as the Splendor of the Seas, Crystal Symphony and Japan's Asuka II.
Argentine ambassador in London, Alicia Castro complained about being summoned to the Foreign Office over the Falklands/Malvinas Islands dispute revealing she asked the British official if it was “an expression of British humor or a political paradox”, since the UK has failed to comply with international law for the last five decades.
Over 100.000 visitors will have landed in Ushuaia, extreme south of Argentina by the end of the current 2014/2015 cruise season, anticipated for mid April, according to official stats from the Tierra del Fuego Tourism Institute, InFueTur.
Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego and considered the most southern city of the world, received over 70.000 cruise visitors and 251 vessel calls during this cruise season, which took off last September and was computed until the end of February, which also proved to be the most active month of austral summer.
Ushuaia, in the extreme south of Argentina is expecting 22.000 cruise visitors during the month of January to which must be added to the 17.000 that already landed in Tierra del Fuego since the current 2014/2015 season officially opened last September, according to the provincial Tourist office.