Bolivia is looking at exporting natural gas globally through liquefaction terminals to be built in Argentina, and to buy crude from its southern neighbor, Bolivian President Evo Morales said on Monday, a move that would compensate for dwindling sales of its main export to Argentina and Brazil.
Argentina’s efforts to boost its natural gas output and supply are progressing through new pipeline and transport projects and auctions, moves that are expected to balance the country’s production and demand, the energy secretary said on Monday.
Vaca Muerta, the biggest shale play in Argentina, led a year-on-year increase in oil and natural gas production in 2018 in Neuquen, as more companies bet on the resources for growth in the southwestern province.
The Office of Neuquén's Chief Prosecutor Wednesday filed charges against businessman Gabriel Cherqui, Mapuche Community of Neuquén (CMN) spokesman Jorge Nahuel and activist Gilberto Huilipan for promoting the May 2017 trespassing by Mauche demonstrators into the Vaca Muerta oil fields.
A major group of indigenous people living in Argentine Patagonia are taking some of the world's biggest oil and gas multinationals to court for environmental contamination, Greenpeace said this week. The Mapuche are suing American giant Exxon, French company Total and the Argentina-based Pan American Energy, which is part-owned by BP.
Argentina's state-run energy company YPF and Malaysia's Petronas agreed this week to invest US$ 2.3 billion in a shale oil project in Vaca Muerta, with a target of reaching 60,000 b/d of oil equivalent by 2022. The investment will be in La Amarga Chica, where the companies have been testing the shale oil potential since 2015 and have spent US$ 550 million to date in the process, YPF said in a statement.
Argentina's energy company YPF said on Monday its 2018 hydrocarbon production likely will fall by 3% to 4% on the year, more than previously expected, as low natural gas demand forces it to close wells and shift its focus to Vaca Muerta shale oil.
Argentina has launched its first offshore bidding round in nearly three decades. The country's energy secretariat published details regarding bidding terms and conditions for public bidding for exploration licenses.
Argentina's state-controlled oil company, YPF, will significantly boost oil and gas production, investing between US$4 and US$ 5 billion per year through 2022, Chief Executive Daniel Gonzalez said. The plan is to raise production by between 5and 7% per year, with the largest increase in the Vaca Muerta formation, one of the world's largest reserves of shale oil and gas.
Argentina will seek 780 million US dollars to recover the Norpatagónico freight railroad to link the Vaca Muerta hydrocarbon facilities to the port of Bahía Blanca, in the province of Buenos Aires, through Neuquén, La Pampa and RioNegro, President Mauricio Macri's administration announced Wednesday.