MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 16th 2024 - 18:55 UTC


  • Friday, May 11th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    UN begins emergency relief for flood-hit Uruguay

    Along the Rio Negro river thousands houses are under the water

    The United Nations is mobilizing a Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team for deployment to Uruguay early next week in the wake of the worst floods to hit the country in half a century.

  • Wednesday, May 9th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Massive flooding in Uruguay forces 12.000 people from homes

    Thousands of hectares cover by water and damage to crops and cattle is extensive

    An estimated 12.000 people have been forced to leave their homes in Uruguay where record rainfall has caused extensive flooding leaving several counties with no electricity or drinking water.

  • Wednesday, May 9th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Pulp mill dispute “technical talks” will resume in New York

    Uruguayan and Argentine officials are scheduled to continue talks at the end of the month in an effort to defuse the Fray Bentos, Uruguay pulp mill conflict, as a follow up to last month's talks in Madrid after a year without negotiations.

  • Monday, May 7th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    April retail prices hike questions Uruguay's inflationary target

    Economy minister Danilo Astori

    Alarm bells are ringing in Uruguay following the release of April's Consumer Prices Index, 1.22% totaling 4.58% in the first four months of 2007 and 8.11% in the last twelve months, when the overall target for this year was established in the range of 4.5% to 6.5%.

  • Friday, May 4th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    S&P Raises Uruguay Outlook to Positive

    S&P has raised its outlook on Uruguay's B+ sovereign credit rating to positive from stable to reflect expectations of a sustained implementation of the economic policy agenda.

  • Thursday, May 3rd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    South America set for dairy increase

    Holland cows most popular breed in Uruguay

    The FAO and other specialists of the Dairy Industry predict that, by year 2027, world demand for dairy products will have increased 20% while the price of milk will maintain the same and South American countries will become the key players of the world market for supply of dairy products.

  • Thursday, May 3rd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    President of Uruguay praises Dubai's strategic vision

    Uruguay President, HE Tabaré Vázquez, with Mr. Jamal Majid Bin Thaniah, Vice Chairman of Dubai World and Group CEO, Ports and Free Zone World, during the president's visit to Jebel Ali p

    The President of the Republic of Uruguay, HE Tabaré Vázquez , currently on an official visit to the UAE, has invited Dubai World to explore emerging business opportunities in the South American country.

  • Thursday, April 26th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Uruguay/US trade and investment talks in Washington

    Minister Astori and Sec. to the Presidency Fernandez signs the TIFA between Uruguay and the USA

    Uruguay and United States resumed on Thursday trade and investment talks in Washington with the purpose of increasing bilateral exchanges. Uruguay is targeting an increase in its current 20.000 tons of beef quota, free of tariffs, and the opening of the US market for lamb and mutton.

  • Tuesday, April 24th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Uruguay has the highest fuel prices of the region

    Uruguay with no oil or gas reserves has the highest fuel prices in Latinamerica, 1.35 US dollars for a liter of premium gasoline, not distant from those countries with the top values such as Holland where premium at the pump costs 1.91 US dollars a liter.

  • Saturday, April 21st 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Pulp mills dispute: Madrid offers possible way out to deadlock

    King Juan Carlos with the two delegations for the offical picture of the meetings

    Uruguay and Argentina with the facilitating efforts of the Spanish Crown seem to have found this week in Madrid a possible way out for the deadlock over the pulp mills controversy which has soured bilateral relations between the neighboring countries.